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Industry NEWS

        Castle  Growth  Continues  in  Commercial
           Castle  is  pleased  to  announce  a  new
        member  location  within  their  commercial
        division  (CBS).  Urban  Insulation  Supply,
        located in Casselman, Ontario is now part of
        the Castle Group.
           The commercial building supply business
        was founded in 2019 by Gaétan & Pierrette
        Dazé  to  service  the  Eastern  Ontario  and
        Western Quebec regions. As their reputation
        and  customer  base  grew,  the  independent
        entrepreneurs  sought  to  expand  into  new
        markets, adding personnel to help drive new
        development. When it came time to consider
        a  buying  group  affiliation,  they  determined
        Castle’s  commercial  business  model  was
        best  suited  for  their  growth  aspirations  and
        business objectives.                 from  December  5-7.  Over  470  attendees   When  we  come  together,  expand  our
           “Urban  Insulation  endeavor’s  to  be  the   gathered  in  San  Diego  for  a  week  of  panel   networks,  and  make  efforts  to  learn,  we  can
        primary  source  for  insulation  and  building   discussions,  roundtables,  networking,  and   better anticipate what’s next as a strong and
        envelope  products  in  Eastern  Ontario  and   collaboration opportunities.  connected independent community.”
        Western  Quebec.  The  opportunity  provided   “This  week  showed  the  incredible,   The  Summit  offered  content  tracks  for
        by Castle’s commercial division takes us one   forward-thinking  spirit  of  AD’s  eCommerce   attendees to choose from a selection of panel
        step  closer  to  reaching  that  goal.  ”  Gaétan   and  marketing  community,”  said  Caroline   discussions  and  roundtables  based  on  their
        Dazé, Owner                          Ernst,  Vice  President,  eCommerce  Solutions.   eCommerce and marketing interests and areas
           Their  move  to  Castle  will  ensure   “Our sixth annual Summit was our largest yet,   of expertise. The four tracks were:
        competitive  costing  for  their  customers   and this was the first AD Summit experience   •   Digital Leaders
        and  an  expanded  product  assortment.  The   for over half of attendees. As the AD digital   •   Emerging Technologies
        Urban Insulation team will continue to serve   community  grows,  the  eCommerce  &   •   Product Content
        as  the  “Building  Envelope  Specialist”  in  the   Marketing Summit provides greater value for   •   Marketing Leaders
        area,  providing  quality  products  and  expert   our members and suppliers.”
        knowledge  in  both  the  commercial  and   The  meeting  theme,  “What’s  Next,”   Digital leaders collaborate and network
        residential building market.         provided  the  foundation  for  the  Summit’s   Two  keynote  speakers  shared  their
           “Castle  is  pleased  to  have  Urban   programming,   educating   digital   and   industry  insights  and  expertise  with  Summit
        Insulation Supply on board as part of Castle’s   marketing   leaders   about   emerging   attendees.  Joe  Cicman,  Senior  Analyst  from
        Commercial Division and we look forward to   technologies,  evolving  business  models  and   Forrester,  spoke  about  how  digital  leaders
        supporting them as they discover their growth   inspiring these leaders to anticipate the future   can  reorient  their  strategy  development  and
        potential. ” Ken Jenkins, President & CEO
                                             of their companies.                  digitize their operations through partnerships
                                                                                  to  bring  more  value  to  customers.  Dirk
           digital and marketing leaders     Marketing joins the Summit           Beveridge, Founder of UnleashWD, presented
                                               This  year  marked  the  first  eCommerce
         network and collaborate at the      Summit  to  include  marketing  leaders  from   about  the  noble  calling  of  industrial
                                                                                  distribution  and  how  digital  and  marketing
          2022 ad ecommerce & marketing      the  AD  community.  Marty  McLaughlin,   leaders can rethink their value propositions to
                      summit                 Chief  Marketing  Officer  for  AD,  welcomed   transform their businesses.
                                             marketing  attendees  and  described  why  it   Additionally,  members  and  eCommerce
                                             made sense for eCommerce and marketing to   service  providers  participated  in  structured
                                             link up at the Summit.               booth  sessions  to  collaborate  on  potential
                                               “Marketing  and  eCommerce  leaders   partnership  opportunities  and  discuss  new
                                             will  have  a  great  impact  on  the  direction   innovations  to  support  member  business.
                                             and  success  of  independent  distribution,”   eCommerce and Marketing network members
                                             said  McLaughlin.  “Digital  touchpoints  for   also  participated  in  organized  network
                                             customers  will  continue  to  grow  and  adapt   sessions  to  discuss  digital  trends,  best
        The  2022  AD  eCommerce  &  Marketing   over  time,  and  collaboration  between   practices, and common challenges.
        Summit  brought  together  digital  and   eCommerce  and  marketing  teams  helps   The Summit wrapped up with AD leaders
        marketing leaders from AD owner/members,   orchestrate a consistent customer experience   laying out bold, focused priorities for the year
        supplier  partners  and  eCommerce  partners   across  all  in-branch  and  online  touchpoints.   ahead.

        10  LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2023                                         
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