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Message from the CHAIR
happy new year!
lots in store for 2023
elcome to 2023 everyone, I trust it is treating
rebecca gravelle Wyou well so far! We’re through the hustle continued stabilization of supply chain issues and
less pricing fluctuations, which is nice to see. But
Wood Works of and bustle of the holidays, and back to the regular we are also seeing a lot of mergers/acquisitions,
Renfrew Ltd, Renfrew grind of a new year. Have you set any ‘New Year’s and transitions within the industry, the impacts of
Resolutions’? If you have, I hope you’ve been able which will be interesting to see over the coming
to stick to them. And while I’m not one for setting months and year.
resolutions myself, I am a believer in setting goals, From your Association Board, we have lots of
and I have some big ones for this year. And so does exciting things coming up! Hopefully you received
our Board of Directors! a copy of our member survey and were able to fill
In my area, winter may have taken its time, but it out; as we look forward to the rest of this year
it has arrived now with full force. I don’t think the and what services we could potentially add to
kids have gone to school on a Friday since the our fleet, your feedback is critical. New training
beginning of December! The snow ideas? New program ideas? New social/industry
" we look means one good thing in our area; I event ideas? No idea is too small, we’d love to hear
am on the Organizing Committee for your thoughts. We’re continuing with our regular
forward to the rest the Ontario Winter Games being held scheduled training courses this March; but we have
of this year and here in Renfrew County, so some of our a newfound vigor and are itching to get started
outdoor athletes will be happy to see on some new initiatives. Our AGM is scheduled
what services we the added snow. I’ve also started my for March and will be our last hybrid meeting, a
could potentially first large-scale home renovation, so it combination of in-person and zoom. In the future,
has been at hectic couple months in my we will be able to hold in-person AGMs with the
add to our fleet, world. Let me tell you, it is a humbling interesting and fun events that have traditionally
experience being on the other side been part of the experience.
your feedback is of a renovation project. Getting to My thanks to Trevor as he continues to take
critical... No idea experience this type of project as a on his new role as President with confidence,
customer will only enhance my ability commitment, and lots of energy. We are working
is too small, we'd to better guide my own customers together as a Board towards making a better and
love to hear your through this process and relate to their stronger LBMAO for all our members. Trevor and
experiences – at least that’s what I tell I are both here to help you however we can, so
thoughts." myself every time something doesn’t please reach out anytime!
go the way I anticipated. With that, I will sign off for another issue – and
I am certainly excited to see what else this year Cheers to a great year in 2023!
has to bring! I know January and February can be
some of the toughest months; mentally, financially,
and otherwise so hopefully you are all taking care.
Though I think 2023 seems to be another year
that brings some uncertainty with it for some, I
am feeling very positive. Everything I am seeing
is pointing towards another steady year for our
industry, though maybe not quite so explosive
as we have been seeing. There appears to be
4 LBMAO Reporter -January-February 2023