Page 17 - Jan-Feb 2024 Reporter
P. 17

xtraction has placed our planet’s resources   projects.  In  Marseille,  we’ve  partnered  with   products;  carbon,  too,  can  be  reused.  While
        Eunder  immense  pressure.  As  the  global   EPA  Euroméditerranée  to  construct  a  new   carbon  capture  has  been  in  the  spotlight
        population  keeps  growing  and  the  middle   6,500-square-meter campus using excavated   lately, it comes with a high price and sizeable
        class expands, it’s time to shift our economic   earth. This often-discarded construction waste   challenges  ranging  from  seismic  hazards  to
        approach,  from  using  to  healing  the  planet.   will  find  a  new  life  as  part  of  prefabricated   CO2 dilution in seawater. In contrast, reusing
        How? By making our economy regenerative,   walls with wooden frames. Further north, the   carbon,  such  as  integrating  it  into  concrete
        a  commitment  that  goes  far  beyond  simple   earth  excavated  by  the  SOCIETE  DU  GRAND   to  enhance  strength,  can  significantly  cut
        carbon  neutrality.  Read  on  to  find  out  why,   PARIS  during  the  tunneling  process  for  the   emissions  at  their  source  in  CO2-emitting
        far from another buzzword, regeneration just   Grand  Paris  Express  is  being  repurposed.   industries  like  steel,  cement,  or  energy
        might change the world.              PLACO®  is  utilizing  it  to  reinforce  the   production.   At   its   Montalieu-Vercieu
           The  numbers  are  well-known:  the   underground  galleries  in  its  Montmorency   site  in  France,  VICAT  Cement  Works  has
        construction  sector  extracts  over  40%  of   gypsum quarry.            developed  a  carbon  capture  and  use  (CCU)
        the  world’s  raw  materials  and  produces   But  recycling  is  only  the  initial  stride   solution, capturing 40% of the CO2 emitted
        30%  of  the  world’s  waste.  These  figures   in  shaping  a  regenerative  economy.  The   by  its  production  and  using  it  to  create
        make  construction  a  prime  candidate  for   logical  next  step  –  and  the  most  significant   decarbonized methanol. Carbon can also be
        regeneration, an approach defined as seeking   challenge  –  involves  replenishing  our   transformed  into  calcium  carbonate,  useful
        to “create the conditions for all life to thrive,   resources and creating a net positive impact   in  producing  paper,  food,  or  toothpaste.
        generating self-sustaining positive outcomes   on  the  environment.  This  means  designing   Recognizing carbon and other raw materials
        for nature, people, and the economy”.  products  that  can  be  disassembled  and   as  a  recyclable  resource  is  a  promising
           The first rung of the regeneration ladder?   reused a potentially infinite number of times,   step  towards  healing  our  environment  and
        Recycling  is  a  widely  shared  priority  in  the   rejuvenating  everything  from  raw  materials   reinventing our relationship with it.
        industry  and  a  significant  challenge.  To  take   to  energy  or  labor.  This  paradigm  shift  isn’t
        recycling  to  the  next  level,  the  sector  must   just for human benefit; it’s about contributing   In  Canada  Saint-Gobain’s  Kaycan  Siding
        build an efficient value chain - one that can   positively to the entire ecosystem we are part   Recycle and Reuse plan:
        help reuse, recycle, or repurpose the largest   of – one that has been around much longer
        possible portion of the waste left at the end   than we have.             GATHER YOUR VINYL SIDING SCRAP
        of a building’s life. “A competitive secondary   In  concrete  terms,  the  regenerative   Are   you   replacing   your   current
        materials  market  would  create  demand  for   economy can mean starting to view buildings   vinyl   siding   with   Kaycan   siding?
        both quantity and quality of waste material,   as  material  banks.  For  thousands  of  years,   Have  you  been  using  our  vinyl  siding  and
        thus  directly  increasing  circularity,”  confirms   humans  have  been  building  and  rebuilding   have some leftovers?
        the European Environment Agency.     houses and palaces with whatever resources   Load your scrap and/or old vinyl into your
           This is the underlying goal of the VALOBAT   were available locally, prioritising reuse over   vehicle or container dedicated to siding only.
        network, of which Saint-Gobain is a founding   extracting  or  transporting  new  materials.
        member.  The  network  has  played  a  crucial   A  classic  but  little-known  example:  the   DROP OFF YOUR VINYL SIDING SCRAP
        role in establishing us as the leading network   Giza  pyramids  of  Egypt  lost  their  limestone   Your  nearest  Kaycan  location  will  gladly
        of  collection  points  for  the  recycling  of   facades…  to  the  construction  of  old  Cairo!   accept your used or unused vinyl siding and
        building  materials.  As  Saint-Gobain  CEO   This  approach,  common  throughout  history,   take  it  to  our  manufacturing  facility  for  the
        Benoit  Bazin  recently  said  at  New  Year   has  inspired  Saint-Gobain  to  build  fully   next step.
        Greetings  to  the  press,  “Saint-Gobain’s  ESG   demountable  and  reusable  plasterboard
        roadmap  includes  the  Group’s  leadership   partitions for the “Village des athlètes” of the   RECYCLED VINYL IS PROCESSED AT THE
        in  the  circular  economy  and  recycling  of   upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games of   MANUFACTURING FACILITY
        materials”.                          Paris 2024, that can be reused long after the   The vinyl siding you supply will undergo
           Saint-Gobain   is   also   incorporating   event.                      a  process  of  cleaning  and  grinding  into
        recycled  materials  into  new  construction   But  reusability  extends  beyond  finished   fine  particles.  This  will  allow  them  to  be

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