Page 21 - Jan-Feb 2024 Reporter
P. 21
he Ministry of Transport in Ontario is the
Tgoverning body for all Commercial Vehicle
Operators in Ontario. Every commercial
truck licenced in Ontario with an actual
or registered gross weight over 4,500 kg
must have a CVOR certificate (commercial
vehicle operator’s registration). According
to the MTO, a CVOR operator (also referred
to as a “carrier”) is the person or corporation
responsible for the operation of the
commercial motor vehicle, driver and goods
or passengers being transported including the
conduct of the driver and employing qualified
licensed drivers. Most lumber and building
material deliveries are done with vehicles
which would fall under the CVOR need
Transport Canada, in conjunction with all
the provincial and territorial governments,
put together rules starting in 2017 which faster for drivers to maintain and review the the ELDs:
would give direction and govern the trucking hours of service. It helps ensure that drivers 1. Ensure that they drive only commercial
industry in Canada and bring implementation are compliant with their hours of service, vehicle equipped with a certified ELD
of Electronic Logging Device (ELD). This was improving road safety by reducing driver (when required).
done to bring Canada and the United States fatigue. It has been implemented to get rid of 2. Each driver must log in to the ELD using a
into compliance for rules of driving hours the paper-based logbooks which were more unique user id to enter their Record of Duty
and hours of service. Starting in 2017 it was difficult to keep records with and were easier Status (RODS).
established that the industry would have five to manipulate. This makes sense for long-haul 3. Make sure the information manually
years to get ready for each truck having a ELD and over the road truckers who spend their entered into the ELD device is accurate.
device installed. working time accumulating miles. 4. Drivers must produce a RODS for inspection
In Ontario, beginning January 1, 2023, it The mandate from Transport Canada to an officer when asked, both on the
was a requirement that all commercial vehicle requires drivers to carry in addition to the ELD: device and through electronic transfer.
operators would have ELD logging in each • A user’s manual for the ELD
vehicle which fell under a CVOR certificate. • An instruction sheet describing the ELD’s Note: If the device malfunctions the driver
There are some exemptions, many of which data transfer mechanisms and how to must notify the operator as soon as the
apply to LBMAO dealers and their fleets.
supply HOS records to an official vehicle is parked. They must then use an
• An instruction sheet describing alternative method to maintain and document
Exemptions to the ELD Requirements in requirements and procedures for ELD the RODS until the device is repaired or
Ontario: malfunctions. replaced. Drivers must also record any
1. Driving within 160 km of where you began • Blank backup Record of Duty Status malfunction codes on their alternate RODS.
your day and return at the end of the day to graph-grids for recording the driver’s duty
the same location where you began. status and other related information for a Penalties Associated:
2. Driving a rented commercial motor vehicle, minimum of 15 days. The penalties for hours-of-service related
if the rental agreement is 30 days or less offences range from fines $250 - $20,000
and has not been extended or renewed. There are some key responsibilities that in Ontario. There is a jail sentence of up to 6
3. Driving a commercial motor vehicle with a the truck owners must uphold when it comes months as well.
model year before 2000. Anything built in to the ELD: The fines for ELD related offences are
1999 or before is exempt. 1. Purchasing, installing, and maintaining an $250 - $400. If you are convicted of an ELD
4. Otherwise exempt from hours-of-service ELD (where required). offence, you will receive demerit points on
requirements in the Ontario Regulations 2. Ensuring ELDs are mounted in a fixed your Carrier Safety Profile. A carrier safety
(such as tow truck, emergency vehicle, etc.). position during the operation of the vehicle rating can affect licence sticker renewal and
5. Driving a school bus. and is visible to the driver. can carry over to your carrier insurance.
6. Employees or operators of a commercial 3. Ensuring the ELDs are certified and
motor vehicle dealership who are driving compatible with the engine of the vehicle. What is happening in Ontario?
the vehicle for the purpose of a sale or 4. Creating and maintaining a record of unique Many dealers in Ontario take advantage
lease. The vehicle cannot have a load on the and personal accounts for each driver who of the 160 km or less delivery range to avoid
will be using the system. the ELD requirements. There may be unusual
5. Monitoring driver’s hours of service and circumstances that require them to need to
First, I need to explain what the ELD is. ELD ensuring that Record of Duty Status are travel outside of the 160 km range. What
stands for Electronic Logging Device which completed properly. happens then? I had a buying group indicate
is a tamper resistant device or technology 6. Maintain the records in the event of a ELD to me that they had a dealer who normally
which automatically records driving time malfunction. only delivers within 160 km of their location,
and other information by synchronizing but they are in a very rural location and the
with the vehicle’s engine. The benefit of Each driver also has some key repair facility for their trucks is outside of
having ELD logging is to make it easier and
responsibilities with the use and operation of LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2024 21