Page 6 - Jan-Feb 2024 Reporter
P. 6
LBMAO President
hat a year it has been. I have just finished my first year as We also have some special social events that non golfers may be
Wpresident of the Lumber and Building Materials Association. interested in. Our snowmobile day last year was a great day. If you’re
While I was a building material retailer for 18 years and have also an avid enthusiast or an occasional snowmobiler, we can make sure
worked for a member building material supplier, I did not fully that you will have a fun time and get to know some great people in our
understand what happens behind the scenes at the association. There industry. This year’s day will be better than ever. Mark your calendar for
are activities daily here at the association. February 29th. The Cool Car and Motorcycle Ride is coming up June
We have a full slate of training programs that are designed to 13th. I am working on a route with a very special stop. Both events are
help retailers and suppliers train their staff to be ready to service the not to be missed.
customers. We have Stan Burkholder who comes from Blue Sky, Alberta The LBMAO is a significant advocate for the construction and
to teach people how to estimate and how to sell that project. Stan has building industry in Ontario. We have been building our relationships
a very personal touch with our students. They know he is not just an with the Ontario Home Builders’ Association, the Ontario Building
instructor because he has been in their shoes, working and operating a Officials Association, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
lumber yard. He can walk the walk as well as talk the talk. (WSIB). We are also advocating for the building and renovating industry
We also have a new to the association trainer for boom truck with the Ontario government and with other associations with the
certification and forklift certification. Our trainer has been doing federal government. It is important for our members that their views
forklift training and boom truck training since 2002. Fully licensed and and interests are voiced at all levels of the government.
certified, he can do forklift and boom truck training at your location. The newest project we are working on deals with human resources.
If several dealers would like to work together, we can do the training We are working on a labour study that will help us determine which
for several stores at once. After successfully taking this class, the programs work best to attract the best and brightest talents to our
participants will be certified for three years. It is inexpensive insurance industry. Ontario is growing and the new immigrants here need to
against problems with the Ministry of Labour. Well trained operators know about the Ontario lumber and building retailers and suppliers.
are safer and that should help prevent accidents and damage to We need to know how to recruit them as customers and staff.
equipment. There are many exciting things that go on here at the association
We are also busy planning four spectacular golf outings for this year. that I am thrilled to work on every day. Everyone on this staff works
We have an east, west, central, and northern course that will suit your diligently to make our members and our industry work harder and
ability and provide a great deal of networking time. I have never been smarter every day. It has been a great fun and learning year. Thanks to
a golfer, but this year has taught me that getting to spend four hours all! If we can help in any way, just ask.
of one-on-one time with your customers is invaluable. You don’t want
to miss these opportunities to get to know your customers better. They
may end up thinking that they should buy more or all their purchases
from your company. Wouldn’t that be great!
6 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2024