Page 4 - May-June 2024 REPORTER - web optimized
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                                                     SUMMER'S GENTLE


                                                     BARBARA SCHERING

                                                     LBMAO Vice Chair
                                                     CashierPRO Retail Systems Inc., North Bay

  turning  into  a  jubilant  fanfare,  and  it’s  music  to  our  ears!   you  up  with  a  partner  who’ll  keep  your  scorecard  in  check.
        As  I  wander  through  the  neighbourhood,  it’s  like  watching  a   And because we know the journey is part of the adventure, the
        time-lapse of nature in its most transformative state. The trees   LBMAO always ensures we have cozy accommodations at rates
        are  donning  their  leafy  crowns,  apple  blossoms  are  opening,   that’ll make you smile.
        hostas  are  peeking  out  from  their  earthy  beds,  and  our  lawns?   But let’s talk about the Cool Car Ride – it’s the crown jewel
        Well,  they’re  a  canvas  splashed  with  the  vibrant  yellows  of   of  my  summer.  It’s  our  chance  to  parade  our  gleaming  cars
        dandelions. Porches are no longer just porches; they’re galleries   and  bikes,  taking  in  the  breathtaking  vistas  of  Ontario’s  scenic
        showcasing  the  most  charming  flowerpots,  and  the  symphony   routes,  with  pit  stops  at  the  warmest  of  local  businesses.  The
        of construction is a surefire sign that we’re all prepping for the   night  before  is  all  about  the  prelude  –  a  gathering  of  kindred
        sunniest chapters of the year. It’s official, my friends – the great   spirits, ready to share stories and laughter. As dawn breaks, we
        outdoor social season has swung open its doors!         line up our beloved vehicles, revving up for a journey that’s as
           In  your  neighbourhood,  it  may  be  people  stopping  to  chat   much  about  the  company  as  it  is  about  the  destination.  And
        as they walk by, the aromas of a BBQ or the sounds of laughter   remember,  the  more  the  merrier,  so  bring  along  your  special
        coming from a backyard fire. It’s that magical time when familiar   someone or your best mates!
        faces emerge in the most unexpected of places – the local mall,   If you haven’t downloaded the LBMAO app yet, you’re missing
        the  bustling  parking  lot  –  reigniting  friendships  with  a  hearty   out  on  a  gem!  It’s  waiting  for  you  on  Google  Play  and  the
        “Long time no see!” and stories of winters past.        AppStore – just search LBMAO. This app is the kind that keeps
           And  have  you  noticed?  There’s  a  newfound  camaraderie   you in the loop without the noise – its notifications are rare but
        blooming  amongst  us  at  garden  centers  and  hardware  stores.   always worth your attention.
        We’re  all  suddenly  green-thumbed  gurus  and  DIY  dynamos,   I’m  eagerly  looking  forward  to  our  rendezvous  at  the  Cool
        engaging  in  lively  debates  over  the  secret  to  a  verdant  lawn,   Car Ride, sharing a fairway (and possibly a bunker or two) at the
        the  sturdiest  shrubs  for  our  backyards,  and  the  timeless  tussle   golf  tournaments,  and  of  course,  at  the  AGM  come  November.
        between  gas  and  charcoal  grills.  And  if  you  happen  to  be  a   Don’t forget to check out our event page on the website for all
        maestro of the smoked brisket, please, let’s chat! While my wings   the  juicy  details.  Here’s  to  a  summer  of  sunshine,  smiles,  and
        and  ribs  have  become  the  stuff  of  neighbourhood  legend,  and   splendid memories. See you soon!
        my pork butt could rival any pitmaster’s, that brisket remains my
           The  LBMAO  has  been  my  anchor  for  years,  not  just  for  its
        invaluable network but for the sheer joy of its social gatherings.
        Their golf tournaments are nothing short of legendary. Whether
        you’re swinging like a pro or just there for the giggles, there’s a
        tee with your name on it. Flying solo? No worries – we’ll team

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