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                                                     THE BATTLE FOR THE PRO


                                                     TREVOR SMALL
                                                     LBMAO President

           he  lumber  and  building  materials  retail  market  took  an   customers – home builders, contractors, remodellers and others
        Tunexpected  turn  recently  and  while  it  happened  in  the   who  work  on  larger  more  complex  projects  and  need  large
        United States, it has potential ramifications on what will happen   amounts of materials.
        in  Ontario  in  the  coming  years.  Home  Depot  is  coming  for  the   What  will  this  SRS  Distribution  purchase  mean  for  Ontario
        pro  customers.  The  Home  Depot  has  made  a  large  play  for   LBM  dealers?  It  will  take  Home  Depot  a  while  to  get  this  deal
        pro customers in the US with their $18 billion purchase of SRS   settled.  They  are  just  beginning  to  put  together  the  details  to
        Distribution.                                          figure out ways to find better, faster, and cheaper ways to service
           For those who may not be familiar with SRS Distribution they   the pro customer. But be sure they are working on it.
        are a Texas based specialty distributor of roofing materials (and   Today’s contractors and professional customers are asking for
        more) with multiple brands across 47 states with 760 locations.   things that at one time seemed unattainable. They want access
        SRS  operates  46  different  banners  including  American  Roofing   to  invoices,  billing  and  quotes  at  a  time  that  is  convenient  for
        Supply, Arrowhead Building Supply, Advanced Building Products,   them. That may be at 11 pm on a Tuesday night or at 6 am on a
        JB Wholesale, and Wimsatt Building Materials. According to Ted   Sunday morning.  The status quo is no longer acceptable.
        Decker, Home Depot CEO, “SRS has built a robust and successful     Will  the  Home  Depot’s  new  pro  focus  work?  There  are  no
        platform  that  will  accelerate  our  growth  with  the  residential   guarantees – particularly in the building materials product sales
        professional  customer  while  presenting  future  opportunities   and distribution field. Pro focused building centres need to make
        with the specialty trade pro.”                         sure that they are focused.
           We know that the Home Depot has been actively looking to   I  recently  came  across  a  quote  from  a  former  Home  Depot
        grow  their  pro  business  on  both  sides  of  the  border  for  some   CEO Frank Blake, who was charged with realigning Home Depot
        time.  Professional  customers/contractors  represent  just  10%   focus during the housing market collapse of 2008. He said, “You
        of  their  customer  base  but  account  for  almost  50%  of  their   try to do fewer things better, rather than a lot of things ok.”  He
        revenues. They have been working on loyalty programs to grow   also said, “now is a good time to focus on what we need to focus
        the pro side of their business and this acquisition may just be a   on – our core retail company.”
        stepping  stone  to  further  announcements  or  purchases.  They   Dealers,  salespeople,  manufacturers  –  we  all  could  use  this
        currently have a sizable share of the DIY market with their 182   advice. Focus on what you do well and excel at that.
        stores in Canada. Home Depot Canada sales were approximately
        12 billion for the year ended in 2022, with close to 20% of the
        home  construction  and  improvement  market.  We  know  that
        Home  Depot  is  getting  ready  to  open  a  fulfillment  distribution
        centre near Pearson airport in Toronto which is targeted at pro

        6  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024                                                  
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