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                      castle news                  in  the  Delaware  Valley  for  the  sixth   U.S. employees that encompass a people-
                                                   consecutive  year.  Additionally,  AD  has   centric  ethos,  prioritize  staff  wellbeing,
                                                   received  national  recognition  as  a  Top   and  attract  top  talent  and  new  business
                                                   Workplace in the USA.             opportunities.
                                                     The  regional  and  national  Top   AD Canada has been recognized as a
                                                   Workplace   rankings   rely   on   an   Great Place to Work® for the second year
                                                   anonymous  survey  administered  by   in a row. In addition, they have secured a
                                                   Energage  LLC,  assessing  15  key  factors   coveted position on the prestigious 2024
                                                   for  fostering  engaged  organizational   Best  Workplaces™  in  Canada  List  for
                                                   cultures. National Top Workplace awards   companies  with  less  than  100  Canadian
        Castle Grows Again in Ontario              are open to all companies with over 150   employees,  ranking  10th  nationally  for
           Castle’s  exponential  growth  continues  across
        Canada  with  a  new  member  location  in  Oro-
        Medonte,  Ontario.  O'Connor  Hardware  is  the  latest
        independent retailer to join the Castle group.
           O’Connor’s   Hardware   was   established   in
        1996  and  is  situated  just  outside  of  Orillia.  The
        multifaceted  retail  facility  has  established  itself
        as  the  community  go-to  destination  for  all  things
        related  to  building  material  and  agricultural  needs.
        Owners Brent Johnston and Sarah Johnston did their
        homework before making the decision to join Castle.
           “We  are  new  owners  in  a  small  community
        looking to better service our clientele with a variety
        of  LBM  and  Hardware  products.  In  speaking  with
        other  Castle  dealers,  Castle’s  reputation,  and  their
        promise  of  the  lowest  cost  of  goods  and  buying
        group  affiliation  is  what  really  sold  us.”-  Brent
        Johnston, Owner
           Along with their GM, Karen O’Connor, the husband,
        and wife duo are committed to quality and customer
        satisfaction. They are excited about this new chapter
        with Castle and to take the business to new heights.
           “At  Castle  we’re  committed  to  the  independent
        spirit.  Entrepreneurs  like  Brent  and  Sarah  build
        their  businesses  and  serve  their  community  while
        still  maintaining  their  brand  identity.  This  is  the
        main  reason  our  unique  model  is  resonating  with
        independents across Canada and continues to make
        Castle  the  buying  group  of  choice.”-  Ken  Jenkins,
        President & CEO
           Castle  welcomes  O’Connor  Hardware  to  the

         ad recognized with four awards nothing
         excellent workplace culture in the us
                      and canada

        AD  is  pleased  to  announce  it  has  received  four
        recognitions  in  2024  that  celebrate  its  workplace
           In the U.S., AD has been named a Top Workplace                                                             LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024 11
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