Page 14 - May-June 2024 REPORTER - web optimized
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        of  Connexia,  the  network  of  RONA  affiliated
        dealers is proud to announce the return of this
        event for a third consecutive year, on October
        8 and 9.
           As  part  of  this  event,  all  RONA  affiliated
        dealers  across  the  country  will  be  invited
        to  gather  at  the  Fairmont  Queen  Elizabeth,
        in  Montréal,  for  a  networking  day  through
        conferences  and  workshops,  followed  by  an
        exclusive trade show where selected vendors
        will present their new products for 2025. The
        event will close with a recognition gala.
           Like  every  year,  Connexia  will  be  the
        perfect  opportunity  for  RONA  dealers  to
        exchange  with  their  peers,  with  the  RONA
        teams, and with participating vendors to set
        the table for a successful spring  2025.

        About RONA inc.
           RONA inc. is one of Canada’s leading home   Canadians  in  their  home  improvement  and   As a result of its ongoing efforts in sustainable
        improvement retailers and is headquartered in   construction  projects  since  1939.  To  achieve   development,  the  company  is  recognized  as
        Boucherville,  Québec.  The  RONA  inc.  network   this, the company relies on a team of 22,000   one of Canada’s Greenest Employers. To learn
        operates  or  services  some  425  corporate  and   employees,  to  whom  it  strives  to  provide   more  about  the  company,  visit  the  website
        affiliated dealer stores under the RONA+, RONA,   an  inclusive  workplace  where  everyone  is
        Réno-Dépôt, and Dick’s Lumber banners. With a   invited  to  contribute.  RONA  inc.  is  one  of  the
        long and rich history, RONA inc. has supported
                                             Montréal  region’s  Top  Employers  since  2021.

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