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2024 salary report


          he  building  materials  industry  has  had  Satisfaction with Current Compensation Package
        Ta  long  history  of  quality  salespeople.  In
        2022  DMC  Recruitment  Group  set  out  to
        find  out  how  much  those  salespeople  were
        earning, what benefits they enjoyed and how
        that  compared  to  their  peers  in  other  areas
        of Canada. DMC was able to get a large-scale
        survey  of  account  managers,  outside  sales,
        inside  sales  and  regional  salespeople.  Their
        survey  included  almost  1000  responses
        from  across  Canada.  The  results  were  very
        interesting, so for 2024 DMC Recruitment set
        out to see if things had changed.
          DMC  Recruitment  Group,  in  collaboration
        with  the  LBMAO  (Lumber  and  Building
        Materials  Association  of  Ontario),  is  proud
        to  share  the  results  of  compensation
        information,  specific  to  the  province  of
        Ontario  from  a  salary  survey  that  focuses
        on  sales  representatives  currently  working
        within the building material industry.    Very satisfied                       Dissatisfied
           This wage survey had a mix of individuals   Satisfied                       Very Dissatisfied
        from a variety of backgrounds in the building   Neither
        materials  industry.  There  were  responses
        from  the  distributor/wholesaler  side  as   from November 2023 to early January 2024,   We  are  uniquely  positioned  to  compare
        well  as  from  product  manufacturers  and   and was distributed to sales representatives   this  latest  information  to  data  that  we
        finally  from  retailers  –  both  dealers  and  big   working  in  the  building  materials  sector,   collected  in  a  similar  national  survey  from
        box stores. We can look at the 2024 results   nationwide.  Sales  professionals  employed   2022.  In  addition  to  straight  compensation
        and  compare  them  to  the  2022  results  and   in all areas of the building products industry,   information, we also sought details regarding
        it  shows  that  the  building  material  sales   including manufacturers, distributors, dealers,   respondents'  preferred  benefits,  attractive
        industry has progressed on things like gender   big  box,  and  buying  groups  were  included   perks  when  considering  a  new  role,  and
        pay gap and numbers of male vs females in   and we received approximately 1000 unique   their  overall  satisfaction  with  their  current
        roles but there are still areas to improve upon.   responses from across the country.  employment situation.
        Overall  salespeople  are  happy  with  their                               Our  objective  is  to  provide  industry-
        2024  levels  of  compensation  and  benefits   Ontario-specific  results  were  gathered  from   specific   insight   when   it   comes   to
        with  over  52%  of  those  surveyed  saying   262 anonymous responses, and we thank   compensation  and  hiring  trends.  We  hope
        they are very satisfied or satisfied with their   them for their participation!  that  this  information  will  empower  both
        current  compensation  package.  (vs  48%  in                             employers and employees to make the most
        2022)  Only  21%  indicated  that  they  were   Our survey aims to illuminate current base   informed  hiring,  retention,  and  employment
        dissatisfied  or  very  dissatisfied  with  their   salaries, bonus & commission structures, car   decisions  as  they  navigate  the  current
        package. (vs 27% in 2022) This means that   allowances,  percentage  of  travel  required   landscape of the building materials industry.
        in  general  salespeople  feel  they  are  fairly   and  employer  RRSP  contributions  for  sales
        Methodology:  The  survey  was  conducted   representatives working in the industry today.

        16  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024                                                 
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