Page 17 - May-June 2024 REPORTER - web optimized
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Overview of Notable Trends &                        2022                                  2024
        Highlights from the 2024 Report         Base Salary        Base Salary        Base Salary        Base Salary
                                                 $65,000            $69,000             $83,000            $78,500
        THAN MEN IN ONTARIO                  Commission/Bonus   Commission/Bonus   Commission/Bonus   Commission/Bonus
        Trend #1
           Female  sales  representatives  in  Ontario,
        encompassing  roles  such  as  outside  sales,
        territory  sales,  and  A&D  specification  sales
        within  the  building  materials  industry,  are
        outpacing  their  male  counterparts  in  both
        base  salaries  and  variable  compensation
        (bonus  &  commission)  in  2024.  The  latest
        data  from  the  DMC  Salary  Survey  finds  that   Average base salary was $66,000 + $25,000  to the cost of living rising during the past two
        “female  identifying"  sales  representatives   in  commission/bonus  in  2022.  In  2024  that  years.
        reported an 8% higher overall compensation   number  had  increased  to  $76,000  salary  +
        (including base pay, bonuses, or commissions)   $30,000  in  commission  and  bonus.  Some  of  Trend #3
        compared  to  their  male  counterparts   this can be attributed to the strong sales years   The  car  allowance  benefit  was  also  an
        performing similar job functions currently in   during covid and some of the increase is due  interesting note to the survey.
           Although  comprising  only  18%  of  Car Allowance by Position
        the  survey  participants,  female  sales
        professionals in building materials appear to            % that receive a Car  % that receive a Car   Median Car Allowance
        be  challenging  the  conventional  gender  pay                               Allowance         per Month
        gap by outearning their male counterparts in   Outside Sales  38%4               8%               $705
        Ontario. This positive shift not only reflects an
        improvement in base pay over 2022, but also   Account Managers5  0%             37%$               749
        suggests  that  female  sales  representatives
        are  receiving  more  variable,  performance-   Regional Sales  19%3             9%               $998
        related compensation, bolstering their overall
        earnings. This is a noteworthy departure from
        historical  compensation  norms  that  have   A&D Sales        6%5               6%$               700
        traditionally undervalued the work of females
        in  comparison  to  men  performing  similar   Total Average  35%4               6%$               727
           Providing  a  national  perspective,  the
        data  from  2022  showed  that  male  sales      19% of the surveyed sales professionals receive no car allowance
        representatives,  on  average,  earned  14%      nor a car for work!          *Excluding Inside Sales Representatives
        more than their female counterparts in similar
        roles.  However,  our  latest  salary  report  for
        2024 illustrates a significant reduction in this   Trend #4               representatives  who  do  NOT  have  any
        gap over the past two years. Men are currently   Respondents  who  lack  post-secondary   completed  post-secondary  education  are
        reported  to  earn  5%  more  than  females,   education  are  earning  about  15%  more   earning  more  than  their  colleagues  who
        representing a 9% decrease in pay disparity   than  their  degree/diploma-holding  peers,   HAVE  completed  University  or  College  level
        across Canada.                       according to the DMC Salary Survey. Results   degrees.
           On closer examination of the segmented   show  that  individuals  working  as  sales
        data  between  Ontario  and  Western  Canada
        in  the  2024  survey,  Ontario  stands  out  as  a
        leader  in  progressing  toward  pay  equality   Respondents without post-secondary education on average
        within  our  industry.  Unfortunately,  the   earned 15% more than those with post-secondary education!
        current  data  also  reveals  a  worrisome
        trend  in  the  Western  provinces  and  prairie
        region,  indicating  a  6%  widening  of  the   REPS   WITHOUT   POST-SECONDARY   professionals  operating  within  the  building
        pay  gap  between  female  and  male  sales   EDUCATION  OUTEARN  THEIR  PEERS  IN   products  industry  in  Ontario,  the  ability
        representative  respondents.  This  concerning   BUILDING MATERIALS SALES  to  develop  relationships,  reliability,  time
        development  has  resulted  in  a  substantial   This   trend   challenges   conventional   management,  and  accumulated  industry
        overall  earning  disparity  of  22%  between   assumptions  about  the  correlation  between   knowledge are things that go far beyond what
        men  and  women  employed  in  comparable   the  level  of  educational  attainment  and   can be learned in school!
        roles within the building materials industry in   earning  potential  within  the  specified   "As  an  industry,  we  need  to  collectively
        Western Canada.                      roles,  indicating  that  factors  beyond  formal   improve the promotion of building materials
                                             education   may   significantly   influence   as  a  stable,  attractive,  and  lucrative  field,
        Trend #2                             compensation levels for sales roles within the   particularly  for  young  professionals  and
           The  average  total  compensation  in   building supply chain.
        the  industry  was  up  from  2022  to  2024.   The  data  suggests  that  for  sales      continued on page 22...                                                             LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024 17
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