Page 22 - May-June 2024 REPORTER - web optimized
P. 22

...Salary Survey continued

        individuals transitioning from other industries. The building products sector
        offers  excellent  career  opportunities,  marked  by  honest  and  hard-working
        individuals,  with  many  entry-level  positions  accessible  without  a  degree.
        A  collaborative  effort  among  senior  leaders  is  essential  to  showcase  the
        industry's appeal and long- term opportunities, attracting new, diverse, and
        cross-over talent effectively." - Alex Mather, Partner – Building Materials, DMC
           DMC  Recruitment  Group,  Canada's  only  recruitment  agency  dedicated
        to  the  construction  supply  chain,  stands  out  for  its  focus  and  ongoing
        commitment to providing valuable insights that empower both employers   REAL CEDAR: Because having only one
        and  employees  in  our  sector.  The  findings  from  our  salary  survey  in   option shouldn’t be your only option.
        collaboration  with  the  LBMAO  shed  light  on  the  evolving  landscape  of
        employment  trends  within  the  building  materials  industry  across  Ontario.   Finishing stains, oils, bleaches, profiles, textures and grades;
        We hope that the information collected will support our industry partners   when  it  comes  to  creating  the  exact  look  you  want  from
        to  make  the  most  informed  employment,  retention,  and  strategic  hiring   Western  Red  Cedar  siding,  you  have  a  wealth  of  finishing
        decisions to support and fortify their businesses.            options  and  design  possibilities.  What’s  more,  Real  Cedar
           We are grateful to LBMAO for their support for the 2024 Salary Report for   siding is completely sustainable and renewable.
        Sales Professionals in the building materials industry as we work towards   Give yourself real choice with Real Cedar.
        building a more prosperous future for the industry.
           For additional data insight regarding any of the information that we have
        collected, please contact:
           Alex  Mather,  Partner  –  Building  Materials  at  DMC  Recruitment. 647-933-5439 DMC Recruitment Group, in
        collaboration with the LBMAO, is proud to share the results of compensation               1 866 778 9096
        information,  specific  to  the  province  of  Ontario  from  a  salary  survey  that   800 263 2445
        focuses  on  sales  representatives,  currently  working  within  the  building
        materials industry.

            WE ARE SERVING YOU BETTER                          aren’t sure who you need to contact at the office, we have a new
                                                               email address:

           You  may  have  noticed  a  new  look  for  the  invoices  you  have
           received  from  the  LBMAO  office.    Our  accounting  software  has
           been updated and you will note our invoices will be emailed to   Send  your  e-transfer  interac  payments  and  any  questions  or
           you.  We  are  now  accepting  e-transfer  interac  payments  as  well.   concerns to this email address and one of our staff will contact
           Over the coming months we are looking at other options to make   you. Our individual email addresses won’t change so feel free to
           dealing with the office easier and faster for our members. If you   continue contacting us individually as needed.

                                                               Kohltech .........................................................................................................9
                                                               Nicholson and Cates Limited ................................inside back cover
           Atlas Polar ......................................................................................................5  Nu-Forest Products (Canada) Inc. ......................................................22
           Auto-Stak Systems (Canada) Inc. .......................................................11  Polytarp Products ................................................................................................14
           BEST Distribution ........................................................................................7  Sellick Equipment ...............................................................................................10
           Castle Building Centres Group ..........................outside back cover  Sexton Group .........................................................................inside front cover
           Home Hardware Stores .........................................................................13  Taiga Building Products ....................................................................................15

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