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pening the largest independent hardware
        Oand  building  material  store  in  North
        America is not a simple task. Operating that
        store  in  a  town  of  3,370  people  makes  the
        task  even  more  daunting.  The  Miller  family,
        the current owners of Hartville Hardware, took
        on the role of operating a hardware store in
        1972  and  have  been  growing  the  business
        ever since.
           Hartville  Hardware  started  in  Hartville,
        Ohio  in  1947.  It  began  as  a  general  farm
        store  also  selling  Oliver  farm  tractors  and
        equipment. The owners at that time carried a
        full line of hardware and reportedly could fix
        anything. They had a blacksmith who worked
        in  a  separate  building  shoeing  horses.  The
        business grew and was expanded many times,
        changing locations and ownership a few times
        as  things  grew.    Howard  Miller  Sr.  bought
        the business in 1972 and ran it with his son
        Howard Jr. managing the store. At the time it
        was  called  Lake  V&S.  (V&S  stood  for  value
        and service) With the help of a few mentors,
        and  other  family  members  Howard  Jr.  grew
        the business and in 1974 they built their first
        of many new buildings. It was renamed True
        Value Hardware when they moved into their
        new 22,500 square foot store in December of
           Assured  that  this  building  would  be
        large  enough  for  the  business  to  prosper
        they  operated  within  that  space  until  1983
        when  old  tractor  trailers  were  being  used
        to  store  merchandise.  In  1983  they  built  an
        added a 9,000 sq ft pole barn building to the
        rear  of  the  store,  bringing  things  to  31,500
        sq  ft.  In  1986  John  Deere  approached  the
        Millers about the possibility of taking over a
        dealership in a nearby town that was for sale.
        To  make  this  happen  they  were  required  to   solid supplier for 29 years, but it was felt that   which allows customers to easily drive in, pick
        have a separate building dedicated to power   a switch to Do-It-Best brand would help take   up and pay for their materials. They also have
        equipment.  An  additional  6,000  sq  ft  space   their operation in Hartville to the next level.   a special full size show home inside the store.
        was  added  to  market  and  merchandise  the   With that change, in early 2002, the store was   This 1850 sq ft Idea House allows customers
        John  Deere  equipment  correctly.  In  1987   rebranded Hartville Hardware.  to see and choose the materials they would
        the John Deere department was opened and   Sometime in 2007 the Howard Sr., Jr. and   like  in  their  own  builds  or  renovations.  This
        has  become  one  of  the  leading  John  Deere   the 3rd and 4th generations of Millers began   model  home  is  a  part  of  a  very  extensive
        dealers in Ohio.                     to  investigate  how  they  could  bring  their   design  centre.  The  design  centre  specializes
           The  next  expansion  of  the  business   growing  business  together,  under  one  roof.   in kitchens, baths, and appliances. They have
        occurred in 1991 when a local lumber retailer   They  took  inspiration  from  retailers  around   built  their  show  room  so  that  customers
        was  bought  along  with  that  store’s  20,000   the  United  States  in  determining  how  to   can  see  appliances  and  finishes  in  all  price
        sq ft building. It has become one of the key   arrive at a design which would bring all their   ranges. Hartville Hardware has an impressive
        components of the store. In 1993 the lumber   product areas together.     array  of  in  stock  and  special-order  high-end
        business was brought under one roof with a     In  November  of  2010,  the  ground  for  a   appliances  like  Wolf,  Sub-Zero,  Café  and
        38,000  sq  ft  addition.  The  lumber  business   new Hartville Hardware was broken. This store   KitchenAid  to  suit  any  taste  and  budget.
        continued to grow and flourish and in 1997   would cover over seven acres under one roof,   The  store  has  a  row  of  home  facades  that
        another  addition  of  3600  sq  ft  was  built  to   with a total area of 305,000 square feet. Early   show many different exterior home designs.
        provide  additional  sales  and  warehouse   in 2012 the sparkling new store opened. The   (siding,  stone,  brick  with  different  railings,
        space. Continued growth of the lumber area   new  store  joined  with  sister  companies  the   porch  designs,  columns,  and  so  on)  Behind
        meant in 1998 a new, separate 16,000 sq ft   Hartville  Kitchen  and  Hartville  MarketPlace   those  facades  each  has  a  different  kitchen
        off-site  space  was  purchased  to  house  the   and  Flea  Market  which  are  located  about  a   and bath design. Some show a modern look,
        lumber sales, a special-order area, offices, and   mile down the road on a 200-acre parcel of   others  have  very  traditional  feel.    There  are
        additional warehouse space.          land.                                ornate  designs  to  clean  simple  looks.  All
           A dramatic change to the ever-expanding   Some  of  the  notable  areas  of  the  store   this  is  to  show  customers  options.  Hartville
        business started in 2000. TruServe had been a   include  a  three-lane  drive-thru  lumber  yard   Hardware  is  also  known  for  having  broad                                                             LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024 19
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