Page 20 - May-June 2024 REPORTER - web optimized
P. 20

that  have  higher  and  lower  turns.  We  have
                                                                                  found that there is not a consistent standard
                                                                                  across our store and departments that holds
                                                                                  as  a  gold  standard  in  a  goal  for  turns.    We
                                                                                  have  consistently  strong  turns  in  lumber,
                                                                                  for  example,  but  because  we  have  decided
                                                                                  to  make  ourselves  a  destination  of  sorts  for
                                                                                  cabinet hardware, which typically sells in job
                                                                                  lots  or  quantities  of  15-20  at  a  time  when
                                                                                  someone  remodels  a  kitchen,  our  turns  are
                                                                                  sometimes  completely  different  in  that
                                                                                  category.  We have thousands of options, so
                                                                                  we don't have consistent turns category wide.
                                                                                  We have intentionally picked a few categories
                                                                                  that we are "all in" on.  This means we have
                                                                                  the best selection.  Sometimes when you do
                                                                                  this,  metrics  like  turns  can't  be  the  focus  of
                                                                                  the category. We buy a lot from our Do-it-Best
                                                                                  warehouse but being a larger store, we also
                                                                                  must buy direct from manufacturers to get the
                                                                                  breadth of product we are looking for.  This
                                                                                  contributes to a reduction in turns.

                                                                                  Has there been any product categories that
                                                                                  you would like to add but don’t have room
                                                                                    Our  reps  are  always  pitching  us  new
                                                                                  products and they are now used to us saying-
                                                                                  "Sorry, I don't have the space for it."  It seems
                                                                                  crazy that a 305,000 square foot store would
                                                                                  be out of space, but we truly are. A place we
                                                                                  do  have  room  to  expand  though  is  on  our
                                                                                  website.  We see this as the next big area of
                                                                                  growth for our business.
                                                                                    Hartville  Hardware,  like  many  retail
                                                                                  stores,  has  expanded  to  offer  online  sales
                                                                                  and  now  they  even  have  an  online  sales
                                                                                  fulfilment  department  in  an  area  not  in
                                                                                  the  main  building  but  on  the  200  plus  acre
                                                                                  campus. Currently their online sales business
                                                                                  represents  around  5%  of  their  overall  sales
                                                                                  and is growing.
        and  deep  merchandise  offerings.  They  have   side  of  the  store  where  the  grade  changes
        departments  like  cabinet  hardware  where   and  this  level  has  walk-out  access  to  grade.   Have online sales taken away from in person
        they  show  the  largest  number  of  feet  of   The lower level contains the contractor sales   sales?
        cabinet hardware anywhere. They want to be   department,  the  outside  sales  personnel   We have seen, as all retail is experiencing,
        a destination.                       work  area,  as  well  as  a  huge  deck  display   a decline in foot traffic in general.  However,
           The  store  is  designed  with  two  levels.   zone, a large window and door showroom, the   our events are strongly attended, and we do
        The  front  parking  lot  is  at  ground  level  and   rental  department,  the  repair  area  for  John   feel that if given a compelling experience and
        that  level  of  the  store  has  120,000  sq  ft   Deere, tool repair and key cutting. This area   competitive  pricing  position,  people  do  still
        of  showroom,  This  level  has  18  different   also leads to the drive thru lumber yard and   like to see a lot of products before they buy
        departments.  Each  department  is  painted   the  outdoor  lumber  yard.  The  drive  through   them. We are social beings by nature. That’s
        so that a customer can see that they are in a   area is 37,000 sq ft with a cashier station and   why we still go to catch a movie at the theatre
        different section of the store.      entrance area both at grade level.   or  dine  out  at  a  restaurant.  The  overarching
           The departments are plumbing, electrical,   We  spoke  with  Cindy  Kandel,  Divisional   concept behind Hartville Hardware is that it is
        hardware, tools, automotive, John Deere, toys,   Merchandise Manager for Hartville Hardware,   not just a place to browse and buy. It’s a space
        outdoor  living,  Grill  Zone  (BBQ  area),  farm/  about  some  of  the  challenges  of  operating   that’s meant to inspire and engage that can’t
        pet supplies, seasonal, housewares, clothing,   a  store  with  such  a  large  footprint.  We  also   be reproduced online.
        paint,  home  décor,  kitchen/bath,  appliances,   talked about the town of Hartville (pop. 3,370)   Currently  there  are  325  employees  at
        and  flooring.  Also  on  this  level  is  the  Idea   and the obstacles that can present.   the Hartville store. President Scott Sommers
        House and the design centre.                                              credits  much  of  their  success  from  treating
           The lower level is a full basement 120,000   With a store of that size is it harder to get   customers,  employees,  and  the  community
        sq  foot  space.  It  is  accessed  by  stairs  from   inventory turns?    like  family.  They  have  many  staff  that  have
        the main floor of the store as well as the left   Throughout  our  store  we  have  areas   worked  there  for  30-40  years.  One  of  their

        20  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024                                                 
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