Page 21 - May-June 2024 REPORTER - web optimized
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strategic  anchors  is  the  commitment  “best
        place  to  work”  “Hartville  Hardware  believes
        that  if  we  make  it  the  best  place  to  work,
        then  our  customers  will  also  have  the
        best  experience  when  they  shop  with  us.”
        Onboarding  programs  for  new  hires  during
        the  first  4  weeks  include  training  from  a
        full-time  trainer,  instructing  new  staff  to
        consistently  execute  their  systems.  They
        have  a  3  level  Character  Development  and
        Leadership class that team members can go
           Another  element  that  sets  Hartville
        Hardware apart from their competitors is that
        they are only open 6 days per week, closing
        Sundays to allow their staff a family day. Their
        hours are Monday to Friday 8 am to 7 pm and
        8-6  on  Saturdays.  The  contractor  entrance
        opens at 7 am and contractors can shop the
        entire store at that time.

             Hartville  Hardware  has  been  extremely
        blessed  with  growth  and  success  over  the
        years, but it hasn't been without a few difficult
        times.  The  lumber  side  of  the  business  is
        intricately  tied  to  the  housing  market.  This
        business  is  always  challenging  however  we
        have only had 2 years out of 51 with negative
        sales growth one of them being last year.
           With  the  impressive  growth  this  store
        has shown over the past 50 plus years, one
        would  wonder  if  there  were  still  room  for
        growth.  This  store  draws  customers  from
        Canton, Akron and as far away as Cleveland,
        Ohio  (approx.  100  kms  away)  to  shop  for
        products  that  they  may  not  be  able  to  see
        and  touch  elsewhere.  While  they  have  their
        regular  clients  and  professional  contractors
        (split 60% /40% trade), they view their shop
        experience as a destination.         in  other  markets.    We  just  broke  ground   like a culture of steady, focused improvement
           By no means would I say that the Hartville   on  a  store  in  Middlefield,  OH,  where  we   that  delivers  exceptional  value  to  our
        market  has  reached  a  state  of  equilibrium.   purchased  a  store  a  few  years  ago,  but  due   customers.
        The  44632-housing  market  (postal  code  for   to great growth, we need to expand. Also, as
        the  Hartville  area)  is  extremely  competitive,   previously mentioned, we also have our sights   Conclusions
        and  the  unemployment  rate  is  lower  than   set  on  online  expansion,  as  this  is  a  good   There is no question that the Miller family
        the  national  average.  The  region  also  has  a   opportunity for growth for our brand.  and  Hartville  Hardware  management  have
        high  demand  for  the  types  of  services  and   What is the future of this flagship Do-It-Best   been able to use their focus on treating their
        products  that  we  sell,  which  allows  us  to   store?                 customers,  staff,  and  their  community  like
        target  our  marketing  efforts  effectively.  We   Technology  has  changed  almost  every   how they would like to be treated has worked.
        must  pull  people  from  further  away  to  get   aspect of life, but focusing too much on what   It  is  clear  to  see  that  Hartville  Hardware
        growth.  We  see  the  most  room  for  growth   is changing is why so many companies do not   has  worked  hard  to  earn  their  spot  as  the
        opportunity  in  larger  ticket  items  such  as   maintain a clear vision. When you are solely   largest independent hardware store in North
        appliances and pro lumber.           focused on change, you are tempted to make   America. While the store is very impressive, it
           Considering  the  number  of  building   decisions  that  are  not  necessarily  good  for   lives up to the billing. If you are in the Canton,
        additions  and  relocations  over  the  past  50   you  in  the  long  term.  Today,  tomorrow,  and   Akron Ohio area you should visit.
        years  we  asked  if  there  are  any  plans  to   ten years from now, consumers will continue   We would like to thank Cindy Kandel and
        expand the Hartville location.       to purchase products and services that work   all  the  staff  of  Hartville  Hardware  for  their
           We  don't  have  plans  to  expand  our   and are priced reasonably – not solely based   time in showing us around and in preparation
        flagship  store,  but  we  do  continually  try  to   on the merits that it’s new. Focusing on the   of this article.
        optimize space.  We are getting ready to do   basics,  the  things  that  will  stay  constant,
        a  reset  that  will  affect  several  departments   means that our business will be more efficient
        this  summer.    We  do  have  plans  to  expand   in ten years. Under a microscope, it will look                                                             LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2024 21
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