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        their size category.                 survey,   Energage   identifies   people-first   celebrating  60  years  of  rich  history,  we’re
           Integral  to  both  Great  Place  to  Work®   Top  Workplaces  across  the  country  and   also focused on continued growth to ensure
        and  Best  Workplaces™  awards,  the  Great   regionally  in  partnership  with  more  than   we keep delivering the exceptional customer
        Place to Work® Trust Index survey analyzes   60  of  the  nation’s  most  reputable  media   service  we’re  known  for  in  communities
        employees’ trust in leadership and workplace   outlets.  Quarterly  national  awards  include   across Canada.”
        culture, identifying companies with an edge   Culture  Excellence  and  Industry  recognition.   Here  are  a  few  of  the  ways  Home
        in  productivity,  innovation,  recruitment,  and   Energage  empowers  organizations  to  exceed   Hardware   Stores   Limited   has   been
        retention.                           the  competition,  evaluate  their  stand  in  the   celebrating:
           AD’s Chair and CEO, Bill Weisberg, shared   market, and engage with employees. For more   •  Nostalgic brand campaign featuring Home’s
        immense gratitude towards associates.  information or to nominate your organization,   evolution over the last 60 years.
           “Creating a company culture that we can   visit or  •  60th Anniversary sale from April 25-May 8
        all  be  proud  of  isn’t  an  overnight  process;                          that featured 25% off BeautiTone Designer
        it’s  a  journey  that  requires  dedication  from
        all  of  us,”  Weisberg  shared.  “We  have  an   home hardware announcements  Interior & Exterior, 30% off Delta Faucets,
        incredible team of associates at AD who are                                 and 60% off Mosaic Cookware & Bakeware.
        passionate about the work they do to support                              •  National  contest  from  April  25-May  22.
        our  independent  members  and  suppliers.  I                               Customers could enter for a chance to win
        admire the commitment I see in them and in                                  one of two $5000 grand prizes, or one of
        our HR team to make sure AD is a great place                                50 $1,000 gift cards.
        to work every day.”                                                       •  Scene+  60  Bonus  Points  Promotion  from
           Neil  Cohen,  AD’s  Chief  People  Officer,                              April 25-28 where customers could earn 60
        expressed  the  significance  of  these  results,                           bonus points on purchases of $50 or more.
        extending their impact beyond recognition.                                •  Social  media  contests  starting  April  26th,
           “The recognition from our associates as a                                such as Home Hardware Trivia and inviting
        great place to work is incredibly meaningful                                Canadians  to  share  their  Home  Hardware
        to  us,”  Cohen  shared.  “It  confirms  that  our                          core  memories  for  the  chance  to  win  a
        continuous  efforts  to  create  a  supportive                              prize.  More  details  can  be  found  at  @
        and  dynamic  environment  resonate  with                                   homehardware on Instagram.
        our  team.  I’m  grateful  to  our  associates  for
        transparently  sharing  their  feedback  with                               And so much more!
        us,  allowing  us  to  identify  our  strengths,
        celebrate  achievements,  and  learn  about                               Joel Pletch, Walkerton Home Hardware
        areas where we can still improve.”                                        receives the North American Hardware and
           Rob  Dewar,  President  of  AD  Canada,                                Paint Association 2024 Young Retailer of the
        expressed  his  sentiments  regarding  AD                                 Year Award
        Canada’s  impressive  Best  Workplaces™   Home Hardware Stores Limited Celebrates
        ranking.                             60 Years of Serving Communities Across
           “Greatness doesn’t happen in isolation—it   Canada
        thrives in the collective brilliance of a unified   60  years  ago  in  St.  Jacobs,  Ontario,
        team,  where  each  member’s  contributions   Walter J. Hachborn and Henry Sittler laid the
        weave  the  fabric  of  our  success,”  relayed   groundwork for what would become Canada’s
        Dewar.  “I  could  not  be  prouder  of  our   largest  Dealer-owned  and  operated  home
        AD  associates  for  their  contributions  in   improvement  retailer.  Since  then,  Home
        fostering  a  supportive  and  inclusive  work   has  expanded  to  more  than  1,000  stores
        environment,  where  innovation  flourishes
        and each individual’s talents are valued and   operating  under  the  Home  Hardware,  Home
        recognized.”                         Building  Centre,  Home  Hardware  Building
           Eric Rubino, CEO of Energage, highlighted   Centre and Home Furniture banners.
        the impact of Top Workplace USA awards. He   Today, Home’s strong independent Dealer
        shared,  “This  award  showcases  the  nation’s   network continues to provide superior home
        outstanding  organizations  and  underscores   improvement  experiences  to  customers
        the importance of prioritizing the employee   through  helpful  advice,  competitive  prices
        experience in today’s workplace landscape.”    and  quality  products.  In  every  interaction,
                                             Dealers across Canada aim to improve life at   This   award   recognizes   individual
        About Energage                       home for the people in their communities.  achievements   by   independent   home
           Energage   is   a   purpose-driven   HR   "This  milestone  is  a  testament  to  over   improvement and paint retailers aged 35 and
        technology  company  that  powers  Top   six decades of dedication and hard work by   younger throughout the U.S. and Canada.
        Workplaces,  the  nation’s  premier  employer   our  Dealers  and  Team  Members  across  the   Joel has always had a passion for working
        recognition  program.  Analyzing  data  from   country,"  said  Kevin  Macnab,  President  and   in  the  retail  industry.  Since  starting  at
        a  research-backed  employee  engagement   CEO, Home Hardware Stores Limited. “While   Walkerton  Home  Hardware  five  years  ago,

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