Page 8 - Jul-Aug 2024 - Reporter
P. 8


                                                     THINK TWICE BEFORE

                                                     DROPPING YOUR DENTAL PLAN

                                                     HUB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED

          n  a  recent  article  in  Benefits  Canada,  authored  by  Lauren   root canals; Periodontal services to treat areas around the teeth,
        IBailey,  employers  dropping  dental  from  benefits  plan  should   including gums and bone; cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments
        think  twice  before  considering  dropping  dental  coverage  from   and more.
        their benefits plan.   With the rollout and coming expansion of   The cost of the plan administered by Health Canada provides
        the  national  dental  care  program,  Graham  Young,  director  of   coverage  with  no  co-pay  for  families  with  incomes  under
        employee  benefits  at  Capcorp  Financial  Corp.,  feels  that  there   $70,000, 40% co-pay for families between $70,00 and $79,000
        is a risk in removing this coverage because employers will know   and 60% co-pay for families between $80,000 and $89,999, all
        their employees’ total adjusted household income.      based on the CDCP fee guide.
           Currently, the plan covers seniors over age 65, children under   In the Benefits Canada article cited above, the author noted
        18 and adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit.  To be eligible   that the first phase of the plan, which was launched in December
        for  the  Canadian  Dental  Care  Plan  (CDCP),  you  must  not  have   2022,  included  coverage  of  up  to  $650  per  year  for  children
        access to dental insurance, have an adjusted family net income   aged 12 and younger, as well as eligible seniors aged 87 and up.
        of  less  than  $90,000,  be  a  Canadian  resident  for  tax  purposes   In 2024, the program opened to children aged 18 and younger,
        and  have  filed  your  tax  return  in  the  previous  year.    According   people with disabilities and eligible seniors aged 65 to 69. The
        their  program’s  website:  (  program will be open to all eligible Canadians starting in 2025.
        benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/qualify.html),   the   adjusted   As  the  program  nears  its  full  rollout  in  2025,  the  federal
        family  net  income  is  line  23600  of  your  tax  return  plus  line   program  continues  to  refine  its  fee  guide  and  list  of  service
        23600 of your spouse’s or common-law partner’s tax return, and   providers  to  help  those  Canadians  who  are  impacted  by  not
        any world income not reported in a tax return to the CRA, such as   having sufficient income or coverage.  The application process is
        by a new resident), minus any universal child care benefit (UCCB)   managed by Service Canada and they can be reached at 1-833-
        and  registered  disability  savings  plan  (RDSP)  income  received   537-4342 or
        (line 11700 and line 12500 of your or your spouse’s or common-
        law  partner’s  tax  return),  plus  any  UCCB  and  RDSP  amounts
        repaid (line 21300 and line 23200 of your or your spouse’s or
        common-law partner’s tax return).
           On  the  CDCP  website:  (
        benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/coverage.html)   services
        covered  as:  Diagnostic  and  Preventative  services  including
        dental  exams,  including  complete,  routine,  specific  and
        emergency  exams;  Basic  Services  to  treat  cavities  and  broken
        teeth  such  as  permanent  and  temporary  fillings,  pain  control
        for  diseased  teeth,  other  treatments  for  cavities;  Endodontic
        services for teeth that are severely decayed, infected or broken;

        8  LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2024                                               
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