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Industry NEWS

        specials;  networking  opportunities  and   merchandising ideas to help retailers stand   show floor were the concept stores, where
        much more.                           out from the competition.”           two  full-size  model  stores  were  set  up,
           “We  always  look  forward  to  our   Around  the  perimeter  of  the  Market   showcasing  real-life  displays,  product
        Dealer  Markets  because  they  give  us  the   floor were a number of promotional areas,   assortments and merchandising techniques.
        opportunity to interact with our customers   including  Door  Busters,  Pallet  Buys,  New   Also  popular  were  the  Product
        and  provide  them  with  a  wide  range  of   Items and more. In these areas, attendees   Showcases,  which  highlighted  the  breadth
        products,  programs  and  services  to  drive   shopped  for  products  at  low,  market-only   of product Orgill offers in certain categories.
        their  businesses,”  said  Ron  Beal,  Orgill’s   prices.                 The  Showcases  at  this  Market  focused  on
        chairman, president and CEO.           In the centre of the show floor, visitors   construction  fasteners,  rental,  impulse
           The  Spring  Dealer  Market  covers   found  the  17,000-square-foot  Retail  and  worldwide  sourcing.  The  seasonal  flex
        approximately  1  million  square  feet   Services area, where they were able to meet   showcase displayed how retailers can adapt
        of  space,  providing  plenty  of  room   with  Orgill  representatives  to  learn  more   their assortments with the seasons to gain
        for  thousands  of  vendors  attending   about  programs  such  as  Market  Driven   year-round sales.
        the  event  to  show  off  their  latest  and   Retailing,  Smart  Start,  Hardware  101  and   The  Retail  Services  area  at  the  centre
        greatest  selection  of  products,  as  well  as   many  more.  Members  of  the  e-commerce,   of  the  Market  floor  included  a  Learning
        opportunities  for  retailers  to  shop  items   Brand  Building  and  other  teams  were   Centre of nearly 5,000 square feet. It played
        from  all  the  major  home  improvement   available in the Retail Services area to meet   host to many of Orgill’s various clinics and
        categories.                          with retailers and answer questions.  workshops,  which  covered  a  variety  of
           “Our  merchants  and  vendors  have   Outside the convention center was the   business and industry topics that help keep
        teamed up to add the items our customers   Outdoor Grilling Area, which made its debut   retailers on top of trends and offered them a
        want,” said Jeff Curler, senior vice president   at the Market last summer in Boston. This   way to gain new knowledge to take home to
        of  purchasing.  “Many  products  are  being   area highlights products from the outdoor   their businesses.
        offered  at  deeply  discounted  prices,  and  a   living, grilling and tailgate categories.  For more information about Orgill, visit
        number of our vendors are offering creative   Two  particularly  popular areas  of the

                                                                                  our dealers at our show this year than ever
                                                                                    The  show  floor  was  also  home  to
                                                                                  TIMBER  MART’s  Store  on  the  Floor  which
                                                                                  featured  merchandised  displays  of  more
                                                                                  than  2,000  SKUs  of  building  materials
                                                                                  and hardlines products, as well as TIMBER
                                                                                  MART’s  Solutions  Centre  which  housed
                                                                                  multiple information hubs for all of TIMBER
                                                                                  MART’s  member  services  and  programs,
                                                                                  including:  LBM  solutions,  TIMBER  MART
                                                                                  Essentials, dealer marketing, merchandising
                                                                                  and banner support.
                                                                                    On  February  15,  TIMBER  MART  hosted
                                                                                  its  National  Dealer  Meeting  at  the  Palais
                                                                                  des  congres  and  opened  the  show  later
                                                                                  that  evening  with  a  welcome  reception.
                                                                                  Events  continued  the  next  day  with  a
                 timber mart news            annual  national  buying  show,  held  from   dinner and vendor-award ceremony where
                                             February 16-17 at the Palais des congrès in   multiple  vendors  were recognized  by  both
                                             Montreal, Quebec. The show featured more   the  buying  group  and  its  members  for
                                             member-exclusive  buys  than  ever  before   achieving  excellence  in  customer  service,
                                             and an 80,000-square-foot show floor filled   product  value  and  operations.  The  dinner
                                             with  over  200  vendor  booths  and  a  wide   also featured a Hockey Canada photo booth
                                             range of show displays and attractions.  to celebrate the renewal of TIMBER MART’s
                                               “Over  the  last  few  years,  we’ve  worked   partnership  with  Hockey  Canada,  as  well
                                             diligently  with  our  vendor  community   as a guest appearance by Hockey Canada’s
                                             to  offer  our  members  more  exclusive   Director  of  Business  Development  and
                                             buying opportunities at our show in order   Partnerships, Bruce Newton.
                                             to  provide  them  with  true  competitive
                                             advantage  in  their  local  markets,”  said   TIMBER  MART  Renews  Partnership  with
        TIMBER MART Hosts Eighth National Buying   Bernie  Owens,  president  of  TIMBER  MART.   Hockey Canada Through 2022
        Show                                 “Our efforts have come to fruition as we’re   TIMBER  MART  has  renewed  its
        With  over 1,100  dealers  and vendors  in   offering  more  member-exclusive  buys  on   agreement  with  Hockey  Canada  as  an
        attendance, TIMBER MART hosted its eighth   lumber, building materials and hardlines to   International  Partner  through  2022,

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