Page 8 - Jan-Feb 2024 Reporter
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                                                     EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND


                                                     HUB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED

           ersonalized  benefits  focused  on  employee  wellbeing  will   Personalized benefits programs start with a close examination of
        Ptranslate into higher employee engagement and retention.  They   the workforce’s needs.  Tools like HUB’s Workforce Persona analysis
        will remain a powerful tool for attracting and retaining employees, as   can reveal gaps between the workforce’s needs and current benefit
        well as improving vitality.                            offerings.    Personalized  benefits-based  data  and  analytics  will  put
                                                               the right benefits into the hands of the right employees, delivering
           The battle for talent will continue in 2024.        quality  employee  experiences  (QEX)  that  improve  recruiting  and
           Wages are expected to rise at least 3.5% in 20241, reflecting how   When you partner with HUB, you’re at the centre of a vast network
        worker shortages have put upward pressure on competition.  Low   of experts who will help you improve your profitability, enhance the
        unemployment  will  make  it  difficult  to  find  and  keep  employees.     vitality of your workforce and remain resilient into the future.  For
        In August 2023, more than four in 10 workers said they planned to   more information on how to manage your benefit costs, reduce your
        change jobs in 2024.2  Canada as a whole has looked to immigration   risk  and  take  care  of  your  employees,  contact  Craig  Griffith,  craig.
        to relieve the labour crisis, but that may not be a short-term solution or 416 894 7525).
        for many individual employers.
           Benefits can help to open the door for improved recruiting and   Source:  Outlook.    Employee  Benefits  and  Retirement,  HUB
        retention.  About 60% of Canadian workers are willing to change   International
        jobs  for  improved  benefits,  particularly  those  30  years  of  age  or   1. Payscale, 2023-2024 Salary Budget Survey, August 2023
        younger.³                                              2. Benefits Canada, “41% of Canadian employees plan to change jobs by the end
           However, only 57% of Canadian respondents to HUB’s Outlook   of 2023: survey.” August 11, 2023.
        Executive Survey are using data and analytics to inform their benefits   3. BMP, “Majority of workers open to changing jobs for enhanced benefits.”  June
        strategy.  In addition, many organizations that do employ analytics in   13, 2023
        their benefits strategy are not fully leveraging the available data.  4. Dialogue, Canadian perspectives on health, wellness, and employee benefits.
           At  the  same  time,  workers  expect  their  employers  to  cover  an   May 3, 2023.
        ever-wider range of benefits, whether that’s financial education and
        debt reduction programs or mental health coverage, adoption leave
        and surrogacy benefits.  About one-third of Canadian employees feel
        the mental health support in their benefits is insufficient.4

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