Page 14 - Nov-Dec 2019 - Reporter
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        a strong partner to the communities within   renowned  for  improving  productivity,  the  new  Director,  Communications,”  said
        the region.”                         profitability, long life and ease of use; and   Rob  Wallace,  Vice-President,  Marketing,
           The store  is  currently undergoing   their  reputation  for  quality  and  durability   Home  Hardware  Stores  Limited.  “Jessica
        an  expansive  renovation  and  will  begin   gives them the highest resale value in the     and   her  team
        to  offer  products  and  services  to  local   marketplace.                                 will  use  strong,
        customers  once  the  reno  is  completed  in   ARW  will continue to  provide  the  same    compelling  story-
        late  November.  A  public  grand  opening   superior level of sales, rentals, and certified   telling to promote,
        celebration  is  planned  for  February  of  the   factory-trained  service  support  to  its   educate  and  build
        new year.                            Alberta customers, while expanding to the               excitement   for
           “The unique experience of being part of   new  regions.  In  Saskatchewan,  ARW  has      strategic  plans
        a buying group where You Are The Brand is   partnered  with  Cervus  Equipment  to  be       as well  as other
        echoed  throughout  Castle’s  membership.   the  authorized  parts  and  service  provider   key   operational
        We are pleased to see the legacy of Great   through  their  locations  in  Saskatoon  and    initiatives  across
        North Builders live on and welcome MDC to   Regina.                                          the organization.”
        the Castle family.” Ken Jenkins, President                                                     Jessica  Kuepfer
                                             About ARW Truck Equipment Ltd.                          is   a   results-
                                               A Canadian institution since its roots in   driven  professional  with  seven  years  of
          ARW TRUCK EQUIPMENT ROLLING OUT    1895, ARW  Truck Equipment specializes   progressive  experience  in  internal  and
              ACROSS WESTERN CANADA          in sales and support of truck-mounted   external  communications.  She  excels
                                                                                  in  developing  strong  relationships  with
                                             equipment. It focuses on key brands, and
                                             is the exclusive sales and service dealer   stakeholders  by  creating  powerful  content
        ARW Truck Equipment Ltd. is growing. The   for HIAB, Moffett and Multilift in Alberta,   through  communications  channels.
        company has announced the expansion of   Saskatchewan, and Northeast and Southeast   Jessica’s  accolades  include  being  named
        its service area to cover all of Saskatchewan,   British Columbia. The company carries an   “Top  40  under  40”  and  “2018  Corporate
        as well as Northeast and Southeast British   extensive collection of picker trucks, forklifts   Communications  Professional  of  the  Year”
        Columbia,  including  Golden,  Cranbrook,   and hooklifts, as well as new/pre-owned work-  by PR in Canada.
        Fernie,  Dawson  Creek,  Fort  St.  John,   ready packages, and offers a full complement
        Chetwynd  and  Fort  Nelson.  The  company   of licensed installation, maintenance and   About Home Hardware Stores Limited
        will  service  the  Fort  St.  John  area  through   repair services. ARW Truck Equipment   Home Hardware Stores Limited is Canada’s
        its established ARW Truck facility in Grande   began selling HIAB brands in 1997, when it   largest Dealer-owned hardware, lumber,
        Prairie.                             combined its truck equipment division with   building materials, and furniture home
           ARW  Truck  Equipment  Ltd.  has  its   Atlas Polar.  improvement retailer with close to 1,100
        roots as a Canadian institution since 1895.                               stores under the Home Hardware, Home
        In  1942  it  established  a  firm  foothold  in                          Building Centre, Home Hardware Building
        Alberta  selling  and  servicing  the  materials   HOME HARDWARE ANNOUNCES NEW   Centre and Home Furniture banners. Founded
        handling,  light  construction  and  truck-  DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS IN   in 1964 in rural St. Jacobs, Ontario, Home
        mounted equipment markets. In the more           MARKETING                Hardware  remains  100%  Canadian  owned
        than  77-years  since,  the  company  has                                 and  operated.  Through  the  Home  Hardware
        built  solid  long-term  relationships,  and  an                          network, Dealer-Owners have extensive
        enviable reputation for product quality and                               distribution and marketing capabilities as well
        careful attention to customer needs.                                      as access to thousands of quality, brand name
           ARW  Truck  has  been  the  exclusive                                  and private label products. Offering a mix of
        factory-authorized sales and service dealer                               tradition and innovation, Home Hardware
        in Alberta for HIAB cranes, Moffett forklifts                             Stores Limited has received designation
        and  Multilift  hooklifts,  the  number  one                              as one of Canada’s Best Brands and Best
        brands  of  truck-mounted  equipment  in   Home  Hardware  Stores  Limited  is  thrilled   Managed Companies and is committed to
        Canada, since 1997.                  to  announce  the  recent  appointment   helping Canadians with all of their project
           “It was time to roll out our operations,”   of  Jessica  Kuepfer  as  Director,  needs. More information about the company
        said  Trevor  Steinke,  General  Manager  of   Communications,  effective  immediately.   is available at
        ARW Edmonton. “There was a great demand   As  Director,  Communications,  Jessica  is
        for  our  products,  in-depth  knowledge  and   responsible  for  the  strategic development
        unmatched  expertise  in  truck-mounted   and  deployment  of  a  robust  marketing
        equipment in other parts of the west, and   communications  plan  to  all  key  Home
        we’re well-positioned to meet those needs.”  Hardware  audiences.  She  will  be  reporting
           HIAB is a global leader in truck-mounted   directly  to  Rob  Wallace,  Vice-President,
        equipment.  HIAB  cranes,  Moffett  Forklifts,   Marketing.
        and  Multilift  Hooklifts  are  #1  in  Canada.     “We  are  thrilled  to  appoint  Jessica  as
        Their  patented  innovative  features  are
        14  LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2019                                        
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