Page 16 - Nov-Dec 2019 - Reporter
P. 16


           019 has proven to be an unusual year!   piece?  If you work in the yard, you should   constructed  under  CMHC  and  USFHA
        2Beginning  with  wet  conditions  that   understand why and how lumber is graded   requirements.
        hampered   construction  and  building  and sorted as well as the processes involved.    To  address  these  requirements,  the
        projects,  member  businesses  started  off   Using  information  from  The  Canadian   Canadian  Standards  Association  (CSA)
        slow but once the warm weather kicked in,   Standards Accreditation Board (CLSAB), we   formed a Committee of Standards for Yard
        boom! Construction started up with a bang.  have detailed why lumber is graded and how   Lumber.  The  Committee  met  five  times
           Stores  got  busy  and  new  employees   the grading process works.    between  early  1959  and  April  20,  1960  to
        had to be hired and trained, which can be a   The  Canadian  Lumber  Standards  develop the CSA Specification “0-141-1959
        challenge  in  this  economy.    Lumber  (that   Accreditation  Board  (CLSAB)  is  the  official   Yard  Lumber”.    The  result  was  a  national
        commodity staple in every building supply   body that monitors the quality of Canada’s   standard for the grading of software lumber
        yard)  was  rolling  in  from  the  distributors   lumber  grading  and  identification  system.    in  house  construction.    On  May  19,  1960
        and  mills  by  the  truckload;  pressure   In  addition,  the  CLSAB  provides  oversight   the  CSA  created  a  lumber  grade  marking
        treated spruce, cedar, pine - all in lifts and   in  the  delivery  of  specific  Canadian   division  within  the  CSA  known  as  the
        in different qualities.  New employees just   Food  Inspection  Agency  (CFIA)  Forestry   Canadian  Lumber  Standards  Committee
        learning the ropes have to be shown where   Directives.                   and  appointed  an  Administrative  Board
        to  store  and  how  to  store  this  valuable                            retroactive to January 1, 1960.
        commodity  to  ensure  minimum  shrinkage   LUMBER GRADING                  The  CLS  Committee  operated  until
        (damage from the elements and handling).    In the late 1950’s, the Canada Mortgage   October 1962 before being replaced by the
        The  more  shrinkage,  the  less  profit;  and   and  Housing  Corporation  (CMHC)  and  the   Canadian Lumber Standards Administration
        profit  pays  wages,  benefits  and  keeps  our   United  States  Federal  Housing  Authority   Board.    This  structure  was  reorganized  in
        jobs.                                (USFHA)  decided  that  lumber  should  be   February  of  1982  to  form  The  Canadian
           So,  when  unloading  lifts  of  lumber,   grade marked under a nationally organized   Lumber  Standards  Accreditation  Board
        do  you  ever  wonder  about  the  markings   system to protect home buyers by providing   (CLSAB) as a federally incorporated no-share
        on  those  white  tags  at  the  end  of  each   a further assurance of quality in the homes   non-profit corporation.

        16  LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2019                                        
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