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Industry NEWS

         BMR GROUP IS INVITING CANADIANS TO   Oranje, to develop some short funny video   builders.  We  are  always  looking  for  ways
              RELEASE THEIR POTENTIAL!       clips to be widely posted on social media.   to  help  our  customers  build  better  and
                                                                                  develop  quality,  compliant  solutions  for
                                             •   The  first  video  presents  the  driver   every project,” said Shawn Pilon, Marketing
                                               position,  one  of  the  job  categories  most   Manager at Nicholson and Cates. “We know
                                               affected by the shortage.          our current customers will love working with
                                             •   The  second  video  presents  the  HydroGap® and we are excited to introduce
                                               salesperson  position,  for  which  we  are   HydroGap  to  the  Ontario  market  to  allow
                                               seeking  hundreds  of  employees  for  the   for  more  efficient  and  durable  building
                                               290 BMR stores across the country.
        BMR  Group  is  thrilled  to  launch  its  new   •  The  third  video  also  presents  the   practices.”
        employer  brand  under  the  slogan  Release   salesperson position, but this time targets   In  addition  to  superior  drainage
        Your   Potential.  Having  experienced  retirees who we invite to come and work   performance,  HydroGap®  offers  an
        significant growth over the past few years,   in  stores  for  however  many  hours  they   unmatched  system  warranty  that
        BMR Group is using this campaign to acquire   wish!                       guarantees  quality  and  performance  for
        the most effective tools to attract new talent                            15  years.  HydroGap®  has  also  achieved
        to its ranks and continue its rise.   About BMR Group Inc.                certification  by  the  Canadian  Construction
                                               BMR Group is a subsidiary of La Coop   Materials  Centre  (CCMC)  for  housewrap
        Standout features highlighted        fédérée that includes more than 300 home   standards.  HydroGap®  offers  a  way  for
           In collaboration with the marketing firm   renovation  centres  and  hardware  stores  in   builders  to  differentiate  their  projects  in
        HRM, BMR Group surveyed its employees to   Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime provinces.   the  market,  by  allowing  them  to  provide  a
        pinpoint what made it stand out in the job   BMR  Group  and  its  members  make  an   superior  protection  system  and  peace-of-
        market. The key strengths of BMR Group as   estimated $1.3 billion in annual retail sales   mind for home and building owners.
        an employer quickly emerged and naturally   and employ nearly 8,000 people in bannered   Benjamin  Obdyke  recognizes  the
        led  to  the  creation  of  the  slogan  Release   stores.  BMR  Group  is  the  first  major  Quebec   growing  need  for  protection  against
        Your  Potential,  which  embodies  the  value   player in the hardware industry and operates   extreme  weather  conditions  as  well  as  the
                                             under the BMR, La Shop BMR, Agrizone, Potvin
        the company places in autonomy, its human-  & Bouchard and Country Stores banners.   need  to  address  changing  building  codes
        centred culture and the real opportunities to                             and  practices.  Products  like  HydroGap®
        see one’s career advance at BMR.                                          continue to become more important within
                                                 BENJAMIN OBDYKE INTRODUCES       the  marketplace.  As  the  need  for  new
        1,100 positions to be filled in the spring
           BMR  has  not  escaped  the  challenges   FLAGSHIP HYDROGAP® DRAINABLE   code  requirements  is  being  recognized
        brought on by the labour shortage affecting   HOUSEWRAP TO CANADA         throughout  Canada,  Benjamin  Obdyke
        the country in recent years. Many stores face                             prioritizes  improved  recommendations
        staff  shortages  and  some  job  categories                              for  drainable  housewraps  in  their  technical
        are a source of real frustration for dealers.                             bulletins and installation guides.
        Delivery  truck drivers  are  a case  in point                              HydroGap®  will  be  available  through
        and  are  now  a  scarce  commodity  on  the   Benjamin  Obdyke,  Inc.,  recognized  for  its   Nicholson and Cates Limited starting
        market. Just a few weeks away from a large   line  of  high  performance  roof  and  wall   January  2020.  For  more  information  about
        recruitment  drive  to  fill  1,100  positions  in   products including Roll Vent, Cedar Breather   HydroGap®  or  other  Benjamin  Obdyke
        its network in the lead up to the hardware   and Slicker® Rainscreen, recently introduced   products,  please  visit
        industry’s  peak  period  in  the  spring,  the   its  flagship  product,  HydroGap®  drainable   or
        launch of this employer brand makes perfect   housewrap, to Ontario. Designed for custom   About Nicholson and Cates Limited
        sense.                               residential  homebuilders  and  large  volume   Based in Burlington, Ontario Nicholson and
           “The  labour shortage directly  impacts   production  projects, HydroGap®  will  be   Cates is family owned and has serviced the
        our dealers’ operations. Some of them have   available  through  Nicholson  and  Cates   siding, decking and lumber materials market
        even  had  to  reduce  their  operating hours   Limited.                  in Ontario for over 85 years.
        due to a lack of staff. Our employer image   HydroGap® Drainable Housewrap is the
        will  therefore  be  used  for  hiring  at  the   best performing drainable housewrap on the   About Benjamin Obdyke
        head office and in our warehouses, and for   market. Available in 5-foot by 100-foot rolls,   Since  1868,  Benjamin  Obdyke  has  been
        supporting our dealers in their recruitment   HydroGap  provides  true  drainage  versus   helping architects, builders and contractors in
        process  across  the  country,”  said  BMR   other  housewraps.  HydroGap  allows  water   the United States and Canada Build Better™
        Group’s Vice-President of Human Resources,   to  drain  away  from  the  wall  in  seconds,   by developing and adding new advances to
                                                                                  its product line.  Benjamin Obdyke develops,
        Marc Gauthier.                       eliminating  the  propensity  for  water  to  go   sources, markets and sells proprietary roof
           Funny  video  clips  to  fill  high-demand   into thousands of nail holes, flashing details   and  wall  products  that  improve  the  building
        positions                            and  other  penetration  points  to  cause   envelope  and  the  performance  of  other
                                                                                  building  materials  for  the  new  construction,
           To  draw  in  job  seekers,  BMR  Group   damage.                      repair  and  remodel  markets.  For  more
        teamed  up  with  the  production  agency,   “Speed  of  installation  is  absolutely   information, visit
                                             crucial  for  production  and  new  home
        12  LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2020                                         
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