Page 14 - Jan Feb 20 Reporter
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Industry NEWS
Since its start more than 115 years ago,
Weiser has created innovative door hardware
products that are both stylish and offer
superior security. The most recent game
changing innovation introduced by Weiser
was their SmartKeyTM rekey technology that
allows homeowners to securely re-key their
own locks in seconds, while it simultaneously
enhances the high level security provided
by a Weiser deadbolt. Weiser - security and
innovation since 1904. For more information,
please visit
About Spectrum Brands
Spectrum Brands Holdings, a member
of the Russell 2000 Index, is a global and
diversified consumer products company and
a leading supplier of residential locksets,
residential builders’ hardware, plumbing,
shaving and grooming products, personal
care products, small household appliances Pictured (l-r): Eric Divelbiss, John Sieggreen, Greg Stine, Brett Hammers, Boyden Moore and Randy
and specialty pet supplies. Spectrum Brands Williams
Canada is based in Mississauga, ON. For more
information, visit executive vice presidents: In addition to this group, Moore says
Orgill will also be looking to further enhance
Randy Williams has been promoted to its executive team with the addition
orgill announces 2020 the role of EVP, Distribution. Prior to this of an entirely new position—EVP, Chief
executive vice president team position, Williams served as Orgill’s general Information Officer.
manager and senior vice president of “Given the growing role that technology
distribution and has been with the company and information play in every facet
in various other roles for nearly three of distribution and retail, we have an
decades. opportunity to better integrate our
John Sieggreen has been promoted to technology teams across distribution,
the role of EVP, Retail and will also maintain retail systems, retail services, eCommerce,
his current role as President for Central marketing, and business intelligence to
Network Retail Group (CNRG). Prior to drive new competitive advantages for
joining Orgill and CNRG, Sieggreen spent a our dealers,” Moore says. “We have great
As the new decade begins, Orgill has number of years leading retail operations, technology teams. This new position
announced a few changes and promotions including serving as President of Wolohan will align them to drive new synergies
to its team of executive vice presidents. Enterprises and in various executive roles and improvements in the way we use
These changes are designed to position with ProBuild Holdings and BMC West. technology throughout the company and
Orgill for further growth in the coming years Greg Stine has been promoted to EVP, for our customers.”
and to provide an even stronger support Marketing and Communications. Most
network to the company’s growing ranks of recently, Stine headed up the marketing About Orgill:
retail customers, according to President and team for Tyndale Advisors. Prior to that, Orgill, the industry’s fastest-growing
CEO Boyden Moore. Stine owned and managed a marketing and hardlines distributor, was founded in 1847
“One of Orgill’s strengths over many communications firm based in Springfield, and is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.
years has been stable, consistent Oregon. Orgill serves more than 10,000 retail hardware
leadership. Without a doubt, I think we Brett Hammers continues in his role as stores, home centers, professional lumber
have the best team in place to guide our EVP, Sales and Purchasing. dealers and farm stores throughout the U.S.
company into the next decade,” Moore says. Eric Divelbiss will also continue in his and Canada, and in over 50 countries around
“These recent changes and promotions are current position as EVP and Chief Financial the world.
well deserved and will help us continue to Officer.
lead Orgill into the future while providing “I’m proud to work alongside such
the continuous improvement and a strong group of individuals who not
innovation our customers expect from us to only offer a wealth of knowledge and
run even more successful retail operations.” experience to our company but who also
Effective immediately, the following five have a passion for our mission to help our
individuals will make up Orgill’s team of customers be successful,” Moore says.
14 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2020