Page 19 - Jan Feb 20 Reporter
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outcomes. businesses who have had the unfortunate As well, each student will be provided with
Listed below are the courses that will experience of drivers being charged by the a certificate on t e success ul com letion o
be offered to our MEMBERS ONLY. Each MTO for unsafe operation of their vehicles the course.
course addresses every aspect of the safe (anything from a load being improperly Course registration and cost will be
operation of vehicles (pickup trucks, cargo tied down to poor vehicle maintenance) will mailed to all our member businesses - retail
ans, at e truc s rom cargo securement know that providing proof of comprehensive and supplier - and will also be available to
to winter driving; and should be part of your training in the safe operation of the download from the LBMAO website. We
health and safety policy. If you decide to company vehicle is required by the MOL are coming into a busy spring and summer
utilize all or part of these training courses, enforcement team. season, so the offering of these important
your store policy should include which Below is a listing of the courses that training modules is timely.
courses need to be taken by your vehicle will be provided. Each course is password
drivers. This is quite simply a duty of care accessed and has testing modules built in to
to ensure that your drivers are trained in the ensure that the student is not only reading
safe operation of their vehicles. Member but also understands the course content.
e ensi e ri ing: Straight Truck standard on the road and part of that After completing this course, you will be able to:
Professional drivers are held to a higher standard includes practicing safe driving • Identify how to prevent slips and trips
standard on the road and part of that habits.This course will provide drivers with around your vehicle
standard includes practicing defensive some reminders of basic vehicle operation • List the responsibilities in preventing fall-
driving techniques. This course will and then present a variety of proper driving related injuries
provide drivers with some reminders techniques. • Describe how to safely select, use and
of basic vehicle operation and then store a ladder
present a variety of defensive driving After completing this course, you will be able to: • Explain how to prevent injuries when
techniques.Practices such as entering an • Describe the responsibilities of being a using a ladder
intersection, backing up and safe following professional driver • Describe the pieces that make up a fall
distance will be demonstrated using text, • Explain some of the things drivers can do protection system
narration, animation, and quiz questions to perform at their best • List the steps in inspecting and using fall
forreinforcement. • Describe best practices for basic handling protection equipment
activities such as turning, braking and
After completing this course, you will be able to: stopping the vehicle
• Describe the responsibilities of being a • Describe the proper procedure for i t Truck perator Skills
professional driver entering an intersection According to the US Occupational Safety
• Explain some of the things drivers can do • Explain how to safely change lanes and Health Administration (OSHA),
to perform at their best • Describe how to determine and establish powered industrial truck accidents cause
• Describe best practices for handling a safe following distance approximately 100 fatalities and over
activities such as turning, braking and • List some of the ways to handle driving 36,000 serious injuries in general industry
stopping the vehicle conditions such as night time, rain, ice and construction every year. Although they
• Describe the proper procedure for and fog are small and easy to operate, heavy loads
entering an intersection and restricted visibility can make lift trucks
• Explain how to safely change lanes very dangerous. Understanding how a lift
• Describe how to determine and establish Fall Protection or ri ers truck operates can keep both you and those
a safe following distance Throughout the North American around you safe!
• List some of the ways to handle driving transportation industry, many of the injuries
conditions such as night time, rain, ice that drivers sustain come from slips, trips After completing this course, you will be able to:
and fog and falls. Falls from even a height of 10 • List common hazards that occur around a
feet can be dangerous or fatal, and with lift truck
repeated stress on your joints, jumps and • Explain your rights and responsibilities
Sa e ri ing Practices Cars Vans falls can lead to more chronic injuries as you when working with lift truck machinery
Limousines (Defensive Driving) get older. So how do you protect yourself? • Describe the components of and how
Professional drivers are held to a higher forces act on a lift truck LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2020 19