Page 20 - Jan Feb 20 Reporter
P. 20
• Explain how to safely operate a lift truck forward and sideways movement Vehicle Inspection: Straight Truck
in a variety of situations • Describe basic methods of securing round Not surprisingly, the trucking industry’s
• Describe basic maintenance procedures articles, vehicle equipment, receptacles prime directive is safety. One collision can
for propane, diesel, gasoline and battery- and bins mean the loss of thousands or even millions
powered trucks • Explain how to use tie downs to secure of dollars, as well as the possibility of injury
cargo or death. One of the ways that you can stay
• Explain how to calculate the aggregate safe on the road is to do regular vehicle
Practical Cargo Securement: Cargo Van working load limit for a load inspections.
This course provides an overview of the • Explain the inspection procedures you
basic cargo securement principles covered need to follow to be compliant with the After completing this course, you will be able to:
by the North American Cargo Securement regulations • Describe the importance of completing a
Standard (Canadian NSC Standard 10 and vehicle inspection
49 CFR 393.100 & 393.136), and is based on • Explain the different responsibilities in
Techni-Com’s Practical Cargo Securement Transportation of Dangerous Goods completing vehicle inspections
manual. This course will give drivers an overview of • Describe how reports are completed,
w ere to fin t e in ormation t e nee signed and stored
After completing this course, you will be able to: in the TDG Clear Language Regulations • Describe the safety procedures you
• Explain the purpose of the North and provide guidelines for applying the should follow when conducting an
American Cargo Securement Standard Regulations. inspection
• Describe the Performance Criteria used in • Identify defects for each inspection item
the regulations After completing this course, you will be able to: • lain ow to rocee w en ou fin a
• Describe the vehicle’s cargo securement • Locate information from Schedules 1, 2 defect during your inspection
features and 3
• Explain the importance of cargo • Determine the accuracy of shipping
packaging and how to secure cargo documents Weights and Dimensions for Drivers
before loading • Identify standard types of means of (MoU)
• Explain how to secure cargo against containment - Determine required safety There are two opposing forces when it
forward and sideways movement marks comes to delivering freight. On one hand,
• Describe basic methods of securing • Identify safe handling and loading shippers want to be able to move as much
round articles, vehicle equipment, and procedures freight as possible in a single load. On
receptacles and bins • Describe TDG reporting requirements the other hand, roads and bridges can be
• Explain how to use cargo cube weight and • Find information in the Emergency damaged and sometimes collapse when
grouping to secure cargo Response Guidebook they are subjected to too much weight. To
• Describe the equipment used to secure manage ever-increasing freight demands
cargo within a van as well as costly infrastructure repairs,
• Explain the inspection procedures you Trip Planning, Parking and Deliveries federal and provincial governments have
need to follow to be compliant with the Driving safely on roads and highways is a implemented a system of weight and
regulations major concern for the trucking industry, size restrictions for commercial vehicles.
but some of the most irritating events Knowing the weight and dimensions of
occur when travelling at slower speeds. your vehicle, your cargo and even your fuel
Practical Cargo Securement: Flatbed Vehicle and property damage arising from is important to stay in compliance as you
This course provides an overview of the ar ing lot collisions an fi e o ect stri es drive.
basic cargo securement principles covered are common occurrences, but there are
by the North American Cargo Securement preventive actions that drivers can take to After completing this course, you will be able to:
Standard (Canadian NSC Standard 10 and minimize them. • Explain the structure of the Federal-
49 CFR393.100 & 393.136), and is based on Provincial-Territorial Memorandum of
Techni-Com’s Practical Cargo Securement After completing this course, you will be able to: Understanding (MoU)
manual. • Prepare yourself, your cargo and your • in in ormation a out s ecific weig t
vehicle for a delivery and dimension limits within theMoU
After completing this course, you will be able to: • Explain how distraction and complacency • Determine the weight ratings and
• Explain the purpose of the North contribute to collisions maximums for your vehicle, axles and
American Cargo Securement Standard • List tactics to help you prevent collisions tires
• Describe the Performance Criteria used in in truck stops and parking areas • Describe the dimension limits for your
the regulations • Describe safe parking and backing vehicle, including wheelbase, interaxle
• Describe the vehicle’s cargo securement procedures and how to use a spotter distances and effective rear overhang
features • Explain how to properly inspect, couple • Explain how to determine maximum axle
• Explain the importance of cargo and uncouple a trailer weights based on axle spacing
packaging and how to secure cargo • Describe safety practices that help avoid • Describe how to shift the weight between
before loading personal injury the axles on your vehicle
• Explain how to secure cargo against
20 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2020