Page 21 - Jan Feb 20 Reporter
P. 21

Winter Driving                       be aware of during a trip and how to avoid   by winter weather
        There are three basic rules to driving safely   ordeals with hazardous winter conditions.  •  Describe  how  to  recognize  and  take
        and  defensively:  Be  prepared,  look  ahead                               action against adverse conditions caused
        and around and adjust your driving to any   After completing this course, you will be able to:  by winter weather
        adverse conditions. These rules apply even   •  Explain  the  importance  of  preparing  for   •  List  methods  of  safely  driving  through
        more  to  winter  driving,  where  conditions   winter early                adverse conditions
        are  slippery  and  more  hazardous  than  in   •  Create  a  checklist  to  prepare  for  winter   •  Explain precautions to take when driving
        summer  weather.  This  module  will  discuss   weather                     through mountains
        the  ways  to  prepare  for  winter,  what  to   •  Explain  how  your  equipment  is  affected

        ...Insurance Update continued from page 8
        stress,  above  personal  health,  work  and   To  be  successful  in  all  stages  of  life,   is,  everyone’s  situation  is  different  and
        relationships.  If  left  untreated,  stress  has   individuals need to pursue different   pursuing  a  tailored  savings  strategy  is
        the  potential  to  escalate  into  more  severe   strategies outside of simply saving a lump   necessary  to  be  successful  throughout  all
        mental health issues.                sum for retirement. Individuals should talk   major  milestones  in  life.  If  organizations
                                             to  friends  and  family  about  their  savings   -  rom em lo ers to financial institutions -
          call  or action                    strategies  and  how  they  are  preparing  for   can work with Canadians to accomplish this,
           Financial  literacy  is  a  vital  subject  for   the demands of life. Much like the increased   we’ll  all  be  further  along  in  our  individual
        Canadians  today.  It  is  about  ensuring  that   awareness  around  mental  health,  people   goals  or financial well- eing
        individuals have the necessary options and   need  to  feel  comfortable  sharing  their   Kate MacDonald is the senior vice-
        tools  to  make  informed  and  optimized   financial  concerns  wit   ot ers  in  or er  to   president and Ontario region leader at
        decisions to achieve the lifestyle they desire,   eradicate  one  of  the  biggest  remaining   Morneau Shepell
        while reducing the high level of stress and   ta oos  o   mo ern  societ    financial
         ressure associate  wit  financial  lanning    wellness.
        In many  cases,  individuals have  adequate   Life,  and  the  demands,  timelines  and
        savings or assets; however, the uncertainty   financial  e  ectations  t at  comes  wit   it
        around knowing how much is enough can   have  changed.  We’ve  all  been  given  the
        be a cause for stress and concern.   same advice over the years, but the reality                                                      LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2020  21
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