Page 18 - D16489 - LBMAO - Jul-Aug-2020 REPORTER - web optimized
P. 18
"You tell us what meat cutters, welders, horse groomers
and hot tub installers have in common!"
needed: a stimulus program
similar to the home renovation tax credit
s we move through the hot lazy days All of us have to understand that the is certainly reflected in the difficulty in
Aof summer, contemplating what billions of dollars being spent by all levels sourcing many of the commodity products
the future will bring for our lives and of government to help Canadians and such as pressure treated lumber as
businesses dealing with the impact of the businesses weather this unprecedented suppliers rush to fulfill the demand.
COVID-19 virus, the LBMAO, along with occurrence is not sustainable. We will have Although we are realizing strong sales,
its sister associations, has commissioned to move into a recovery period, using all we also need to point out to our elected
a submission to the Standing Committee tools available to the governments, to move officials that the Home Improvement
on Finance to consider a stimulus program our economy back to a more balanced level sector is a major contributor to the GDP of
similar to the Home Renovation Tax Credit with a focus on debt reduction. the country. The summary of the proposal
(HRTC) which was used in the financial crisis The home improvement sector has has been sent to all member businesses
of 2008-10. navigated the past several months outlining the case for the HRTC and to
Although the full impact of the pandemic remarkably well. Businesses have had to reinforce that the HRTC not only benefits
has not been recognized, and the virus will adapt to the new normal and consumers our sector, it also drives sales and profits
continue to be a challenge for Canadians have driven sales to some unprecedented across the whole spectrum of the economy.
until a suitable vaccine is found (if ever), levels for many of our members. That fact
18 LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2020