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Message from the CHAIR
the new world and the new word
RON SCHELL t’s a new world and a new order; new rules you can’t build a deck if you don’t have the
Schell Home Hardware Iand I have a new word. The fact that we concrete for the sono tube, no matter how
are not travelling on cruise ships, airplanes many 5/4x6 boards you have, which we don’t
Building Centre, or to any exotic places like Sudbury or East have. This sucks.
Stouffville, ON Gwillimbury, we are now localized or, as I We get calls from Burlington asking
call it, Domestifacation. for 1/2 lifts of 4x4-8’ PTB, asking if it’s all
Now what is Domestifacation? It’s when warped and twisted. Yes it is, I answer, but
a feral person - someone who is used to the it’s great going around corners. I had a
wild life of a lumber person, golf games, person from Bowmanville looking for a 6x6
car rallies, even curling or reading the saddle with stem. Four building centres in
LBMAO Reporter while on the can between didn’t have them. We are trying to
- is told that they can’t do any of serve our local people who have supported
"Now, of course, this. What a wild spontaneous us in the past. This is very important in
life we used to lead; now life has these times.
the big, big changed, we are at work, we go The other day, the LBMAO Board did a
problem is PTB. home, and then we are at work, virtual meeting; but I decided to go to H.Q.
and then home again. Get the to meet with Dave and his dog (mainly the
"Problem Timber picture? dog). The dog wasn’t there so I decided to
Backorders" as it Customers are coming in chair the meeting. Lynn Edey, the greatest
looking for light bulbs for lights salesperson of all time, was there and we
used to be called or that haven’t worked for 3 years; all went out to lunch. After going to two
Sienna Brown as it batteries for smoke alarms that closed places, we finally found a place open.
are older than 10 years; paint for I have to say it was very enjoyable being out
is known; now it's walls that people didn’t know for the first time in several months. Even
existed; broken sprinkler systems though the company was kind of boring,
called "have you that work better than the fixed except for Lynn of course.
seen it" brown." system; eavestroughs that grow Many thanks to the first responders
better plants than your burnt during this time. I am curious though - are
gardens. We are out of sandpaper there second responders? If not, the first
and spray paint, especially black spray paint. responders would be called just responders.
All kinds of other stuff though; anything to And if there are second responders, we
do with the old Honey-Do-List. should put signs on our lawns thanking
Now, of course, the big, big problem them too! Maybe a little smaller sign than
is PTB. “Problem Timber Backorders” not the first responders. God, I hope there aren’t
“Pressure Treated Brown” as it used to be third responders, you would never be able to
called or Sienna Brown as it is known; now read the signs...
it’s called “have you seen it” brown. You Be happy, be safe, take care of your
can’t build a fence if you don’t have the post, employees and don’t tell your customers
doesn’t matter how many 1x6-6’s you have, that they look better with their masks on.
4 LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2020