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Industry NEWS

            NEWS FROM home hardwarE          Desk Light – A perfect at-home dorm room   visit your local Home Hardware store or visit
                                             needs great lighting. As many of us know,   us online at
                                             lighting  can  have  a  huge  impact  on  our
                                             emotions  and  routines.  Natural  lighting   HOME  HARDWARE  STORES  LIMITED
                                             is  ideal,  but  if  the  room  is  still  dark,  give   APPOINTMENT
                                             the  space  an  upgrade  with  a  stylish  desk   Home Hardware is pleased to announce
                                             lamp.  While  you’re  at  it,  add  warm  LED   the  appointment  of  Rob  Szekszer  to  Vice-
                                             string lights! They’re great for working on a   President,  Merchandise  Hardlines,  which
                                                               laptop  without  stark   was  effective  Monday,  June  29,  2020.
                                                               overhead lighting.  Rob  joined  Home  Hardware  as  Director,
                                                                                  Merchandise Hardlines in September 2019.
                                                               Organization   –     “The  appointment  of  Rob  Szekszer
                                                               Online  calendars  are   demonstrates  the  expertise  and  deep
                                                               a  great  organization   bench  of  talent  we  continue  to  develop
                                                               tool, but when there   at  Home  Hardware,  and  I  have  complete
                                                               are  multiple  courses   confidence  in  his  ability  to  deliver  on  our
                                                               to  keep  track of,   business  and  growth  strategies,”  says
                                                               it’s    sometimes  Marianne Thompson, Senior Vice- President,
                                                               helpful  to  have  a   Merchandise,  Home  Hardware  Stores
                                                               visual  of  the  whole   Limited. “His passion for retail, coupled with
                                                               semester.  To  keep   his  understanding  of  home  improvement
                                                               students  organized,   category management and our end-to-end
                                                               get  a  corkboard,  business, make him well positioned to lead
                                                               whiteboard     or  our Hardlines teams to a strong future.”
                                                               clipboards  to  hang.   Rob  is  an  accomplished business
                                                               Create    monthly  executive   and
                                                               calendars   using  proven    leader
                                                               paper and by adding   who  empowers
                                                               assignments  colour-  his  teams  to
                                                               coded  by  class.  By   think  differently,
                                                               having a visual of the   drive  change  and
                                                               entire semester, it is   achieve  results.
                                                               easier  to  effectively   His  leadership,
                                                               manage time.       retail  category
        HERE’S HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR ROOM                      Storage   –  When  management  and
        INTO A GREAT STUDY SPACE             a room is messy, it can be easy to justify   business  acumen
           We  know  that  back-to-school  is  going   putting off an essay to clean. A good way   will  help  lead
        to look a little different for university and   to ensure this doesn’t happen is by having   operational  and
        college students this year.  Though students   a storage solution for everything. According   strategic initiatives on the Hardlines team.
        may  not  be  packing  up  belongings  and   to a workplace study, it takes workers an   “Home  Hardware  is  an  iconic  Canadian
        dreaming up ideas for dorm rooms, there is   average  of  25  minutes  to  return  to  what   company  and  I  am  thrilled  to  lead  our
        still the opportunity to prepare study spaces   they  were  working  on  pre-interruption.   Hardlines team,” says Rob Szekszer. “There
        for an online return to academics. Here are   Drawer  organizers  and  storage  bins  are  a   is a tremendous opportunity to leverage our
        five  tips  for  transforming  any  room  into  a   great  way  to  stay  organized  and  to  hide   data-driven insights to provide best-in-class
        great study space:                   clutter!                             assortments in our stores. I look forward to
                                                                                  continue working with the team to support
        DIY Coffee Station  –  Create  the  look  and   Paint  –  Being  cooped  up  in  a  room  while   our Dealers  so  that we can  be  the most
        feel of being at residence with a DIY coffee   studying is no fun. Instead of staring at the   trusted  and  preferred  home  improvement
        station.  Start  by  sourcing  the  ideal  area   same  four  walls,  revitalize  your  room  with   retail brand.”
        for an at-home brew house. A mini Keurig   Beauti-Tone  Paint  and  prepare  for  back  to   Rob  will  be  reporting  to  Marianne
        machine  is  perfect  for  small  spaces.  If   school! With thousands of colours to choose   Thompson,  Senior  Vice-President,
        there  isn’t  an  electrical  outlet  nearby,  a   from, why not try one that is known for its   Merchandise.
        smart  power  bar  will  keep  the  Keurig,   positive  effects.  Try  a  shade  of  yellow;  it
        laptop  and  phone  all  connected.  Finish   improves  memory  and  concentration,  plus   Rob Szekszer Biography:
        the coffee station with a decorative coffee   it’s uplifting! Or go with a lighter shade of   Rob  has  nearly  25  years  of  experience
        sign, your favourite mugs, k-cups and a tray   green  or  blue  for  its  stress-relieving  and   in  the  home  improvement  retail  industry,
        This charming coffee station will keep you   calming qualities.           holding  key  executive  roles.  Prior  to
        buzzing for hours!                     For  back-to-school  shopping  and  more,   joining  Home  Hardware,  Rob  held  Vice-                                                            LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2020 9
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