Page 4 - Nov-Dec 2020 Reporter
P. 4
Message from the CHAIR
RON SCHELL hate that word “unprecedented” – it’s more makes sawdust which you can sell to the horse
Schell Home Hardware I than two syllables. What do you do when you farms in your area. Do you know how to make a
run out of spruce and pressure treated lumber?
small fortune in the horse business during these
Building Centre, Go to your yard, look around at the empty space, unprecedented times? Start with a large one.
Stouffville, ON then grab a 2x4 - 8 foot piece of spruce and hit As for these masks, fellow Canadian Jim
yourself in your head several times. It feels so Carrey would be proud. We decided to give our
good. Now, if you can’t find a 2x4 - 8 foot piece, grumpy customers masks with happy faces on
which is probably more than likely a 2x6 - 8 foot them at no charge; so far we have given out 319
piece, spruce will do as a replacement. It is a masks. We are giving out sad faced masks to our
little bit bigger and therefore heavier but when happy customers. We have given out 3 so far...
you hit yourself in the head you will A random thought...Now that John Carrey has
feel even better. Now, if there are no retired to his cottage, I’m sure his employees
"Wash your hands, 2x6 - 8 foot spruce pieces, check your haven’t even noticed that he isn’t there.
pressure treated supply. Ha ha! Now I hope everyone is doing well. When will this
wear the masks, that is a good one. Don’t use cedar end? Masks will be used for a while, the Plexiglas
be happy and we and pine as they are too soft and around your sales desks and office desks will
therefore not as much enjoyment as probably stay for good. Wash your hands, wear
will get through it the other species. I wouldn’t suggest the masks, be happy and we will get through it
together." using any hardwood unless you’re together.
from the Ottawa area. Check for nails Here at the LBMAO we are here for you. Any
before starting the procedure, watch questions, please call the headquarters. Ask for
for splinters too. Make sure your the dog. Rumour has it that the LBMAO might
OHIP has not expired because you might need it. be shutting down (I started the rumour). NO, WE
Always wash your hands, head and wear a mask ARE HERE for another 100 years - or it will sure
so they don’t know who it is doing this stupid feel like that. Thank you.
thing. Ron Schell, Chairman LBMAO, 416.896.5204.
Other ideas we continue to think about are our Any questions, ideas or concerns, please call me
premium lengths of spruce - 18’s, 20’s, 22’s and or headquarters. Again, ask for the dog.
24’s - which we bought well before the prices
increased. They are no longer premium and for
now they are standard cost, so take your 20’s
make them 2x10’s, take your 18’s make them
1x8’s and 1x10’s, take your 22’s make them
1x12’s and 1x10’s and make 24’s 3x8’s. This
will make you money and make your customers
happy to get the stock they need. This also
4 LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2020