Page 8 - Nov-Dec 2020 Reporter
P. 8

Insurance UPDATE

           Contributed by:
          morneau shepell

                              covid holiday got you down? bah humbug!

                              Risk & Insurance | Employee Benefits | Retirement & Private Wealth shares 15 tips for a
                              mental-health-friendly holiday

                              1.  Acknowledge  your  feelings  and  be  realistic.  It’s   make us feel sloppy and disengaged. A great trick
                                 natural to want to compare this holiday season   to feel better is to stay “put together.” Now’s the
                                 with those prior. It’s such a deeply seeded part of   time to break bad cycles of not caring about how
                                 our culture. But try not to compare today with the   you look.
                                 “good ole days”, as you will likely set yourself up   4.  Start  a  NEW  healthy  habit.  Though  many  have
                                         for disappointment. This year will likely   adopted  new  healthy  habits  during  COVID,
                    "Don't put all your   look and feel very different. For example,   others are struggling due to exhaustion or lack of
                                         find  the  silver-lining  —  celebrate  the   motivation. You don’t have to change everything
                       focus or energy   people in  your life,  the  roof  over  your   in one  day! Commit  to  one  change  each  week
                    into just one day...  head, and your health and wellbeing.   and make those little changes stick. In a WebMD
                                         2.   Don’t put all your focus or energy   article, What a 5% Weight Loss Can Do for Your
                         Reframe your    into  just  one  day.  Do  you  find  yourself   Health, we are reminded that we can lower blood
                      thinking around    longing for that traditional buffet full   pressure  by  about  5  points  if  we  trim  just  5%
                                         of holiday favourites with the extended   from our total weight. Easy ideas include reducing
                        the joys of the   family?  Reframe  your  thinking  around   soda  intake,  moving  for  15  minutes  more  each
                              season."   the  joys  of  the  season.  Instead  of   day, adding 1 extra green vegetable to your daily
                                         awaiting “that one big day”, find a little   diet, try time advantaged eating (i.e., intermittent
                                         joy  in  something  every  day  during  the   fasting) or eliminating eating after your last meal
                                 holiday season, like a cup of coffee in your special   of the day.
                                 holiday  mug,  your  favorite  holiday  play  list,  or   5.  Attitude  of  gratitude.  Set  aside  differences  and
                                 attending a virtual church or spiritual service.  make time for reflection and gratitude. We can
                              3.  Get  dressed.  Does  working  from  home    all find something to be thankful for, or someone
                                 mean  you’re  in  sweats  or  yoga  clothes  24/7?
                                 Sometimes dressing sloppy for days on end can       Insurance Update continued on page 17...

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