Page 6 - Nov-Dec 2020 Reporter
P. 6
Message from the PRESIDENT
'tis the season to be jolly!
(well, sort of...)
david campbell he second wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic estate they currently own. I suspect we will see
LBMAO President Tis now hitting us and we are in a semi- a correction in the commercial real estate market
lockdown. We have had to cancel our Estimating in the downtown core areas of most major cities.
and Yard Management courses this fall due to The demand for residential condo units and
the uncertainty of whether we can host them housing in most markets is skyrocketing with
and abide by the provincial protocols, as well as the long-term prospect of low interest rates.
ensuring a safe environment for the students. Good for our sector as people upgrade their
We anticipate offering the courses in the early current position and need renovation and home
spring (dependent on provincial restrictions). improvement assistance.
Our member businesses are still enjoying robust We as Canadians can adapt and work our way
sales and profitability due to high consumer through the challenges of the pandemic. As a
demand for renovation projects. Yes, our sector is kid growing up in Ontario, I can remember my
weathering the pandemic rather well. classroom instruction on ducking under our
However, not everyone is doing so well. desks in the event of a nuclear strike! Ya, like
Those who work in the hospitality, that would have helped! The Cuban Missile Crisis
"Our member restaurant, service and sports was a stressful period for citizens of the free
sectors have been decimated world, the death of President Kennedy, measles,
businesses are still with no prospect of a recovery for polio and more recently SARS are just a few of
enjoying robust sales quite some time. The demand for the crises we have had to endure; all having
Personal Support Workers (PSWs) serious implications on our mental well being.
and profitability due and health care professionals The primary difference now is that our elected
to high consumer is outstripping the availability officials, based on the advice of the medical
of these professionals with the professionals, are managing the crisis with all the
demand for Provincial government scrambling tools available to them using past experience in
renovation projects. to provide funds for recruitment pandemic management.
and training. I think we need to As I write this today, November 4, 2020, the
Yes, our sector is re-evaluate the worth of teachers U.S. is entering a Presidential election. If you
weathering the versus PSWs; teachers are paid think we are having troubles managing the crisis,
very well with benefits and provide just look south of the border. We are fortunate
pandemic rather society with educated students to live in the country we do! Stay safe and have a
well." who will contribute to the economic wonderful Christmas Season.
stability of the country; while the
PSWs are at the lower end of the
pay scale with a much more demanding workload
in a stressful environment (my opinion based
on personal experience with family members).
There is no doubt in my mind that a re-balancing
on how the health care workers and PSWs are
recognized (both financially and in the eyes of
the public) is due.
Many of us are working from home and the
financial sector and business sector is taking a
serious look at their expensive real estate and
doing serious evaluation on keeping employees
working at home and reducing the level of real
6 LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2020