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he following contributions by John not fully aware of their requirements In respect to lift trucks, the following
TColombo and Atlas Polar are technical for proper MTO load securement summary regarding inspections is taken
in nature and qualified by the legislative requirements for their delivery trucks. from the OHSA:
requirements by the Ministry of Labour • Tie-down straps are not being used per Clause 51(1) (b) of Regulation 851
guidelines. Ignorance of meeting the manufacturer and industry standard for requires a lifting device to be thoroughly
standards of the CSA Guidelines and adequate applications requirements. examined by a competent person, before
Occupational Health and Safety Act • The top side rails of truck steel bodies it is used “for the first time” and at least
(Ontario) is no excuse in a court of law! are inadequately maintained, there annually, to determine if it is capable of
With the unprecedented demand by are sharp edges along the tie down handling its maximum rated load.
consumers for building materials in the past areas which cut the straps and will “For the first time” should be interpreted
year and a half, member businesses have compromise their integrity; even a new as “for the first time by the employer”. This
been busy delivering product by flatbed strap with a small cut can void its integrity means that even new equipment must
trucks and boom trucks with mobile cranes to hold adequately. This is a violation for be examined to establish that its lifting
to offload product. It is almost non-stop for every strap that is not in good condition. capacity is as specified. The rationale is
many dealers and demands on equipment • Employees who operate lifting equipment that a dealer can make modifications to
has increased the potential for equipment and truck drivers are not adequately the equipment and potentially render
failure and risk of loss. trained on industry standards for proper the manufacturer’s specifications invalid.
Certified mobile crane instructor John applications on load securement and tie Verification of the load rating is even more
Colombo, Health and Safety Officer and down equipment. necessary when second-hand vehicles are
Lead Instructor for Windsor Equipment • Maintaining good condition of tie down purchased. In either case, while it may
Training, has provided some insightful areas along the side of the steel truck seem to be the responsibility of the seller
information on the maintenance required body, (smooth, not sharp edges) and not to have the examination done (just as used
on ALL components of lifting devices bent side rails. It is essential to keep the automobiles must be certified before sale),
including all attachments. John comments truck in good condition, and not destroy the law does, in fact, place this duty squarely
that in his inspection of lifting devices your straps during your day-to-day on the employer. The employer could meet
completed in the past several months, he application. this duty, however, by only purchasing
has noticed a significant increase in the equipment from a supplier who can ensure
lack of maintenance on cranes and forklifts that it has met the requirements of the
which can lead to injuries and fines by the regulation, i.e., it has been examined in
Ministry of Labour upon inspection of these "Some owners/operators may accordance with clause 51(1)(b).
devices. The situation is different when a lift truck
balk at ongoing structural, is leased (or rented) rather than purchased.
Windsor Equipment Training mechanical and control In such cases, subsection 31(1) of the OHSA
John Colombo, Health and Safety Officer/Lead clearly states that it is the supplier who
Instructor inspections, but those costs must ensure that the lift truck complies with
Ministry requirements for lifting are low compared to the risks regulations. An employer who is leasing
equipment inspections & certifications, a lift truck should therefore get written
annual and every 5 years after the 10 involved in ignoring them." verification of such compliance from the
year anniversary of manufacturing date: supplier. However, unless the leasing (or
10/15/20/25 years. These inspections are rental) agreement specifies otherwise, the
done by NDT (Non Destructive Testing). user of the leased (or rented) equipment
The OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND will be responsible for the ongoing general
Questions to ask your members: SAFETY ACT defines the responsibilities of maintenance of the equipment.
• Are all your mobile cranes, all classes owners of mobile cranes in the following For operators of delivery vehicles,
of forklift equipment and attachments summary: the requirements to ensure their safe
inspections in order and up to date? operation has always been a priority for
Truck Mounted Mobile Cranes have an Owners of cranes or similar hoisting devices owners. In today’s environment not only
independent inspection for only the crane must: is the safety of drivers and customers
mounted structure. Below the hook or Keep a permanent record of all with well maintained vehicles of utmost
boom inspection — all attachments are inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and importance, drivers and assistants must
separate from the crane inspections, they maintenance [Regulations for Construction also abide by the current health and safety
must have an annual done also. Projects s. 152(1)]; protocols required to reduce the spread
• Do you have your fork & rotator Prepare a log book that includes a of the COVID-19 virus. Wearing masks,
attachments, and all lifting & rigging permanent record of whichever is greater: sterilizing the insider of their trucks at all
equipment certification and inspection the past 12 months or the period the cranes touch points and maintaining safe distances
done every year? or hoisting devices are on the project from customers when delivering products
• Is your repair, maintenance shop, licensed [Construction Regulations s. 152(2)]; are now common practices that need to be
mechanic doing a full inspection or Keep the log book with the cranes adhered to.
only part of the complete certification or hoisting devices [Construction For more information regarding lifting
requirements for all your equipment? Regulations s. 152(3)]; device safety inspection contact: John
Retain and make available to the Colomba, Health & Safety Officer & Lead
Load securement of materials being constructor, on request, copies of all log Instructor, Windsor Equipment Training
transported on flatbed trucks: books and records for the cranes or hoisting 519-258-0088
• Some employers and supervisors are devices [Construction Regulations s. 152(4)] LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2021 17