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device to be certified before operating
Legal requirements apply to forklifts
as well. The Ministry of Labour (MOL),
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
and the Occupational Health and Safety
Act (OHSA) have all set forth regulations
and standards to ensure the operator, co-
worker and company’s facility are all safe
and protected. Only trained and authorized
personnel are permitted to operate
forklift truck equipment. Whether you are
in a warehouse, industrial environment,
construction site, or outdoor setting where
powered lift equipment are being utilized,
forklift training and certification are
required for the safe operation, personnel
safety and avoidance of fines. MOL requires
that anyone operating a Lift Truck is a
competent operator, and can request to
see your training documents at any time.
CSA B335-15 Safety Standard for Lift Trucks
lays out training compliance and indicates
that forklift re-certification is required every
three years. OHSA regulation 851 covers
construction projects and has provisions
that relate to powered lift trucks. Clause
25(2) (a) states that only a competent
person can operate a powered lift truck and
the employer has an obligation to provide
workers with information, instruction, and
supervision to protect their health and
Atlas Polar structures, people and other equipment – The Benefits of Preventative Maintenance
Jacqueline Spicer, contributing author a seamlessly choreographed movement Heavy equipment, like knuckleboom
Atlas Polar, a valued LBMAO member of machinery delivering, lifting, unloading, cranes and truck-mounted forklifts, are
and supplier of knuckle boom cranes, was carrying and positioning loads of every essential tools of the trade on nearly every
helpful in confirming the need to maintain shape, size and description. construction project, and maintenance
their equipment and the process to do There are three reasons why this all looks and certification are not only required but
so. They ensure all their customers are so seamless and works so well: equipment profitable. It’s fundamental – much like
trained on their equipment and follow up certification, preventative equipment taking care of your health – and can stop a
with a maintenance schedule based on the maintenance and well-trained operators. breakdown in its tracks. Regularly scheduled
follow criteria: Knuckleboom Maintenance maintenance reduces wear and tear of
and Certification is not only required, it’s The Requirements of Certification major components. It avoids damage to
profitable. Manufacturers’ guidelines and your knuckleboom crane or forklift and
The construction industry is booming. Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) minimizes health and safety risks. And
While Ontario’s GDP has seen its most regulations both work to minimize health more uptime means more reliable time on
significant decline since 1981 according to and safety risks of operators and others the road, on the job, and ultimately higher
Statistics Canada, our construction sector working on and around the equipment. resale value.
has had an economic upturn and they OHSA regulation 629/05 s. 3; 98/11 s.1; Safety lapses carry significant
predict it to continue. Companies are buying 51(1) requires an authorized inspector’s consequences. Some owners/operators
new trucks and delivery equipment despite annual inspection and certification of may balk at ongoing structural, mechanical
long lead times, and rental businesses are all lifting devices. Critical structural and and control inspections, but those costs
seeing unprecedented demand. It’s more mechanical components and controls are low compared to the risks involved in
important than ever that heavy lifting must be certified as safe and meet the ignoring them. Failure to maintain good
equipment remains on the job and in peak manufacturer’s requirements and standards lifting equipment safety practices can result
condition. Downtime is not an option. based on a list of specific criteria. Proof of in injuries and deaths, lost work hours,
Knuckleboom cranes and truck-mounted proper maintenance during that period is replacement costs, increased insurance
forklifts abound on job sites across the required. premiums, and sometimes, fines and
province. They are the power that fuels Certification requirements are not
construction projects from residential just for equipment. Operators need to penalties.
to commercial, industrial and public be certified as well. It’s the law. OHSA
installations. Often an awe-inspiring sight, regulation 213/91 s.150 (1) requires all Inspection and Maintenance Schedules
they move with ease over and around operators of a crane or similar hoisting Following manufacturers’ maintenance
18 LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2021