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Industry NEWS

        employers in their respective industries that   Home  Hardware  is  pleased  to  announce   has  always  been  to  deliver  an  outstanding
        stood out either positively or negatively.  its  2022  Virtual  Spring  Market  will  be  held   project  experience  to  their  customers,  from
                                             March  7-14,  2022.  This  eight-day  event  will   start to completion.
        Home Hardware Named Top Hardware     bring  the  Home  community  together  and   “We  are  happy  to  join  a  very  well-
        Retailer in Leger’s 2021 WOW Study   give  dealers  the  ability  to  learn  about  new   structured  buying  group  while  being
           Home Hardware Stores Limited is proud to   buying opportunities, innovative products and   able  to  keep  our  independence  and  our
        be named the number one hardware retailer   category trends.              identity”. Jocelyn Létourneau, Owner
        in  Leger’s  2021  Ontario  WOW  study.  Home   “As  we  continue  to  reach  new  heights   Today,  the  highly  respected  company
        Hardware  took  first  place  for  best  in-store   on  our  journey  to  become  a  Dealer-owned   continues to raise the bar and provides their
        experience after Leger, the largest Canadian-  integrated  retailer,  it  is  only  fitting  that  the   market with unparalleled service. Their move
        owned  market  research  and  analytics   theme for our 2022 Virtual Spring Market is   to Castle provides the opportunity to offer a
        company,  surveyed  more  than  13,000   ELEVATE,”  said  Kevin  Macnab,  President  and
        shoppers across the province.        CEO, Home Hardware Stores Limited.   more complete line of building material and
             “We  are  honoured  to  be  recognized  for   Over the past two years, Home Hardware   hardware products, at competitive prices.
        best  in-store  experience  in  the  hardware   has been hosting Virtual Markets that provide   “Castle  is  very  pleased  to  welcome
        category  and  flattered  to  be  chosen  by  our   tremendous value to our Dealer-Owners and   Matériaux  Létourneau.  Our  commitment  to
        valued  customers,”  said  Kevin  Macnab,   Suppliers, demonstrating our ability to unite,   empowering independent retailers in Quebec
        President  and  CEO,  Home  Hardware  Stores   adapt,  and  innovate  in  an  ever-changing   to  maximize  their  profit  potential  while
        Limited.  “Providing  outstanding  service,   climate.                    staying true to their own brand continues to
        quality  products  at  affordable  prices  and  an   While  we  are  eager  to  bring  the  Home   grow stronger each year.” Ken Jenkins, Castle
        exceptional shopping experience is what our   community together again, health and safety   President
        independent  Dealer-Owners  set  out  to  do   remains  our  priority  and  we  continue  to
        every day at our close to 1,100 stores across   monitor  the  global  pandemic  and  guidance
        the  country.  Whether  it’s  picking  the  right   from health officials.   orgill announces chANGES TO
        materials for a renovation project or the right                                     EXECUTIVE TEAM
        tools  for  an  emergency  repair,  customers   Home Hardware Stores Limited is Canada’s
        know  they  will  find  knowledgeable  and   largest  Dealer-owned  hardware,  lumber,
        friendly staff who are ready to help at their   building materials, and furniture home
        local Home Hardware.”                improvement retailer with close to 1,100 stores
             “For  over  a  decade,  Leger’s  WOW  study   under the Home Hardware, Home Building
        has  highlighted  retailers  who  go  above  and   Centre, Home Hardware Building Centre and
        beyond  to  provide  their  customers  with   Home  Furniture  banners.  Founded  in  1964
        best-in-class  in-store  experiences  based  on   in rural St. Jacobs, Ontario, Home Hardware   With  2021  winding  down,  Orgill  has
        feedback from their recent visitors. This year,   remains 100% Canadian owned and operated.   announced  a  number  of  changes  to  its
        Home Hardware leads the way among Ontario   More information about the company is   executive team including several promotions
                                             available at
        retailers  in  the  hardware  category,”  said                            and retirements.
        Luc  Dumont,  Vice-President,  Insights,  Leger.                            Effective  at  the  end  of  the  year,  Brett
        “The  COVID-19  pandemic  presented  many       castle news               Hammers,  who  currently  serves  as  Orgill’s
        challenges for the retail sector. As consumers                            executive  vice  president  of  sales  and
        return to shopping in stores, providing a great                           purchasing,  will  retire  from  day-to-day
        in-store experience is more critical than ever.”                          management.  Hammers  has  served  in  a
           In  partnership  with  the  Retail  Council                            variety of positions during his 20-year career
        of  Canada,  Leger’s  WOW  study  evaluated                               with the company. He will continue working
        the  performance  of  153  Ontario  retailers                             with the executive team throughout 2022 to
        in  20  different  sectors.  Each  retailer  was                          ensure a smooth transition in leadership.
        assessed  by  an  average  of  300  customers                               This transition will call for the splitting of
        who  had  recently  visited  the  retailer’s   Castle Welcomes Multiple Member Locations   Hammers’  responsibilities  into  two  distinct
        store.  Those  customers  were  surveyed  on   in Quebec                  areas  –  purchasing  and  sales.  To  lead  these
        20  key  dimensions  such  as  staff  courtesy,   Castle  starts  off  2022  with  a  bang  as   areas,  Orgill’s  senior  vice  president  of
        competency  and  attentiveness;  efficiency  at   they  welcome  Matériaux  Létourneau  to  the   purchasing,  Jeff  Curler,  has  been  promoted
        checkout;  importance  given  to  customers;   Castle  family.  Matériaux  Létourneau  comes   to  the  role  of  executive  vice  president  of
        sense  of  belonging;  product  quality  and   to  Castle  with  three  locations:  Waterville,   purchasing;  and  David  Mobley,  currently
        variety;  competitive  price;  store  layout  and   Bromptonville  and  Sherbrooke,  along  with   senior  vice  president  of  sales,  has  been
        ambiance; proximity and curb appeal.  a  team  of  dedicated  and  experienced  home   promoted  to  the  position  of  executive  vice
           To learn more about career opportunities   improvement specialists.    president of sales.
                                                                                    “Brett  has  done  an  outstanding  job
        at Home, visit         Founded  in  1974  by  Mr.  François   preparing  Jeff  and  David  for  these  roles,”
                                             Létourneau,  Matériaux  Létourneau  was  built   says Orgill president and CEO Boyden Moore.
                                             on  two  fundamental  principles;  exceptional   “Restructuring  this  executive  role  into  two
        Home  Hardware  Announces  2022  Virtual
        Spring Market                        customer  service  and  providing  customers   positions  will  help  us  better  manage  our
                                             with a human touch. Their focus from day one   growth in these departments now and in the
        14  LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2022                                         
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