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Leah and her dedicated team are excited to start welcoming customers and contractors into their beautiful new store!

        Insurance Update continued from page 8
           Data  analytics  and  benchmarking  will   literacy, such as teaching basic budgeting, or   achieve  DEI  goals.  Instead,  organizations  are
        continue  to  facilitate  personalized  benefits,   programs  to  support  savings  efforts  beyond   introducing single, one-off benefits that draw
        resulting  in  benefits  packages  that  are   retirement  savings,  including  paying  down   attention  to  the  issues  like  paternity  leave
        relevant and cost-effective.         debt or saving for a large purchase.  benefits or coverage for gender reassignment
                                               Organizations,  in  turn,  will  be  relying  on   surgery.
        3.   Financial  wellbeing will become  a   their benefits consultants and brokers to pave   That  piecemeal  approach  is  unlikely  to
        cornerstone of benefits plans        the way toward greater understanding of the   result in diversity, equity and inclusion long-
           Workers  face  tremendous  pressures  in   employee  base  and  finding  how  to  deliver   term. Within the realm of employee benefits,
        managing  daily  finances  and  debt,  and  for   financial  wellness.  In  terms  of  benefits,  this   DEI  requires  an  in-depth  evaluation  of  how
        employers, that pressure represents a tangible   can  include  access  to  financial  planning,   benefits  are  encouraging  or  hampering  the
        hit to productivity and engagement.  offering greater matching funds in a savings   organization’s goals.
           As  part  of  their  effort  to  alleviate   vehicle and providing debt counselling.
        employee  financial  stress,  employers  will                             Moving forward in 2022
        focus  on  financial  wellbeing  to  improve  the   4.  DEI becomes fully integrated into the   Because  of  the  massive  number  of  job
        workplace.                           benefits package                     openings  in  Canada,  organizations  will  need
           The COVID-19 pandemic led Canadians to   Promoting  diversity,  equity  and  inclusion   to attract and retain talent through benefits.
        be more cautious with their money, and 25%   (DEI) not only helps an organization become   Doing  so  requires  personalized  employee
        reported in 2020 that they were saving more   more  well-rounded,  but  can  help  drive   benefits.  However,  delivering  personalized
        because of reduced discretionary spending.  positive business outcomes, especially when   benefits requires in-depth data analysis into
           In  2022,  employee  anxiety  over  money   it’s a priority for the organization:  the workforce, identifying groups beyond age
        has not abated. Financial stress often carries   •  79%  of  employees  think  that  a  diverse   parameters  and  applying  insights  to  deliver
        over  to  the  workplace,  as  employees  spend   organization attracts high-quality talent  benefits that increase engagement.
        time working on financial issues on the clock   •  71%  prefer  to  work  for  a  diverse   Given  that  health  and  wellbeing  is  a  top
        or simply are less productive.         organization that values inclusion  priority, having expert guidance and decision
           As  a  result,  organizations  that  want  to   •  80%  believe  DEI  initiatives  improve  the   support in this area is critical to protect and
        increase engagement should figure out what   organization’s reputation    nurture  any  organization’s  most  important
        their  employees  need  most  when  it  comes                             asset — their people.
        to  financial  wellbeing.  For  some  employees,   However, while many (if not most) employers
        that may mean offering education on financial   say  they  support  DEI,  few  have  a  plan  to

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