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Message from the CHAIR

                              the true measure of success

           george mCcart           hen  I  was  asked  to  write  a  piece  for  this  always all about keeping his relationships.” When
            Vice President    Wedition  of  the  Reporter,  I  asked  myself  I  sit  back  and  think  about  it,  Ron  had  it  figured
         Operations, Toolway  what  have  I  got  to  say  that  hasn’t  already  been  out.  Today  our  world  has  become  too  focused
          and LBMAO Board     said  over  the  last  couple  of  years?  Why  would  on  efficiencies,  ROI,  ROTI,  too  mechanical,  too
              Member          anybody be interested in anything I have to say?  digital,  quite  simply  too  much  of  everything
                              We have beaten the pandemic to death; is there  but  relationship  building.  We  should  all  take  a
                              a  third  or  fourth  wave  on  the  horizon?  Are  the  step  back  and  learn  from  Ron;  relationships  are
                              restrictions coming off too soon? What will be the  everlasting and invaluable. You might not be able
                              new  normal?  Here’s  one  man’s  humble  opinion:  to  measure  your  success  by  them,  but  you  can
                              nobody - and I mean nobody - wants to continue  certainly measure your losses without them, in life
                              down  that  path.  We  are  done  with  it!  Move  on!  and in business.
                              Here am I moving on.                           These past two years have been difficult in so
                                 As most people in our industry now know, we  many  ways,  lockdowns,  product  shortages,  staff
                              lost a very dear friend (and the LBMAO Chair of  shortages and uncontrollable price increases. Our
                                          the Board) recently - Mr. Ron Schell.  industry  has  been  very  fortunate;  we  not  only
                   "You might not be      Anyone  who  had  the  pleasure  survived but most prospered. People jumped onto
                                          of  meeting  Ron  knows  he  was  a  the staycation band wagon; and made equitable
                     able to measure      person of character, fun loving and  investments  in  their  homes  and  cottages  unlike
                      your success by     generous  to  a  fault.  Quite  simply  anything  we  had  ever  seen.  Homeowners
                                          he was just an amazing guy. I take  just  felt  the  need  to  spend  their  hard-earned
                       them, but you      solace  in  knowing  that  everyone  money  on  something  tangible.  That  is  about  to
                         can certainly    up  above  has  embraced  Ron  with  change. Restrictions are being lifted or removed
                        measure your      open  arms  and  are  now  being  completely and freedom is around the corner. We
                                          blessed with his (let’s call it) sense  are all starting to look at other fun ways to spend
                       losses without     of  humour.  Ron  is  survived  by  his  our  money.  The  excitement  around  Travel  and
                   them, in life and in   wonderful  family  -  wife  Monica,  Entertainment has never been higher; the need to
                                          sons  Chris  and  Kyle,  daughter  “return to normal” is going to drive the next wave
                           business."     Sarah,  three  grandchildren  and  of spending.
                                          his  tremendous  parents  Percy  and   This is the time for us to be out in front of our
                              Dorothy. He will be truly missed.           colleagues,  our  customers,  our  vendor  partners.
                                 By  now  you  are  probably  asking  yourself  It’s time for some Old School relationship building,
                              where  is  he  going  with  this?  Well,  Ron  was  all  face-to-face  meaningful  conversations,  leave  the
                              about  relationships  and  how  important  they  Lazy-Boy at the home and call on old friends and
                              really  are.  Recently  I  was  fortunate  to  have  had  make some new ones. As would be Ron’s nature,
                              the opportunity to speak with his sister Judy. Judy  “What’s the worst that could happen?” Maybe just
                              recalled  having  to  come  downstairs  on  several  maybe  you  will  be  as  fortunate  as  anyone  who
                              occasions to Ron’s end of the counter and tell him  met  Ron.  So  get  yourself  out  there,  you  will  be
                              to speed things up “come on, move things along”  better off.
                              because  he  would  have  a  line  of  customers/
                              friends  just  waiting  for  a  chance  to  talk,  hear  a
                              bad  joke  and  sometimes  do  business.  “He  was

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