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Message from the PRESIDENT

                              an update on 2022 events

          david campbell        udging  by  the  number  of  calls  and  emails  from   and  signing  authority.    By  opening  the  position  to
          LBMAO President     Jmembers, I can tell that there is a great demand for   vendors,  a  larger  pool  of  board  participants  will  be
                              our events – such as golf tournaments and the Cool Car   available.
                              Ride – so we can get out and enjoy life and network with   All  member  businesses  will  receive  a  notice  of
                              fellow industry peers again.                meeting  as  well  as  the  proposed  changes  to  the  by-
                                 We  are  in  the  process  of  establishing  dates  and   laws.    If  you  cannot  attend  the  meeting  virtually,  we
                              times  for  all  our  events  and  will  be  publishing  them   would encourage you to sign and return the proxy that
                              on our website.  Currently, dates are listed for the golf   will accompany the notice of meeting and return it to
                              tournaments;  however  we  are  still  in  the  process  of   our office.
                              confirming  whether  or  not  they  will  offer  banquet   As  the  economy  and  the  country  opens  and  we
                              services  after  the  round  of  golf.    Not  all  courses  can   return to a more normal routine, we will all have to be
                              commit  to  offering  full  tournament  support  due  to   diligent  in  how  we  live  within  the  restraints  of  being
                              staff  shortages  and  finalizing  COVID  protocols  for   affected by the COVID virus and its many variants which
                              tournaments.  I expect that we will have to change some   will be with us for quite some time.  Although we intend
                                          of the courses from previous years so I   to move forward with in-person attendance at most of
                     "Currently, dates    would suggest you visit our website to   our events, we will have to monitor the impact of the
                     are listed for the   keep up to date.                virus as it moves through our lives.
                                            The  “Cool  Car  and  Motorcycle”
                                                                             One last note!  My tenure as President will be coming
                   golf tournaments,      ride  is  in  the  planning  stages;  again   to  an  end  this  year  as  I  move  towards  retirement.    I
                                          we  are  struggling  to  find  a  route  that   had intended to retire a couple of years ago; however,
                      however we are      can  provide  a  number  of  dealers  to   with  the  COVID  virus  affecting  the  operation  of  the
                   still in the process   visit  as  well  as  hotel  accommodations.     Association, I made the decision to stay on to manage
                                          The  Lake  Erie  shoreline  is  being   things during these turbulent times.  The board is now
                        of confirming     contemplated  for  this  well  attended   searching for a replacement for me, and we will keep
                                          event.                          members informed about the progress.
                       whether or not       Our  AGM  will  be  held  on  the  19th
                        they will offer   of May and will be in a virtual format.
                                          This  is  an  important  annual  event  and
                    banquet services      this  year  the  board  has  approved  a
                    after the round of    significant  change  to  the  LBMAO  by-  Save the Dates!
                                          laws  that  will  provide  the  opportunity
                                 golf."   for supplier representatives to sit as the
                                          chair of the Association.          •   June 29: Eastern Ontario District
                                                                                 Tournament – Smugglers Glen Golf
                                          The primary reasons for the change are:
                                 The Association was established in 1917 as a retail   Club, Gananoque
                              building supply/lumber dealer organization.  Over the   •   July 20: Northern Ontario District
                              years, suppliers of these retailers have been admitted   Tournament  – Timberwolf Golf Club,
                              under the supplier member type of membership with   Sudbury
                              full voting privileges but could not sit as chair.  Suppliers   •   August: Muskoka/Georgian Bay District
                              now make up a large segment of our membership, over   Tournament – details to be announced
                              40%, and are active participants in all of our events.  •   September 8: Southwestern Ontario
                                 It  has  become  challenging  to  find  retailers  to
                              participate  on  the  board  and  as  chair.    Although   District Tournament, Echo Valley Golf
                              the  position  does  not  require  a  lot  of  time  spent   Club, London
                              on  association  business  (that’s  the  function  of  paid
                              employees)  the  chair  does  have  overall  responsibility
        6  LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2022                                               
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