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Industry NEWS

                BMR announcements            However, the name of the store will change to   banner and provide customers a selection of
                                             Winchester Building Supplies Inc.
                                                                                  nearly  17,000  products,  including  hardware
                                               “We  are  very  happy  to  grab  this  great   products,  seasonal  products,  and  building
                                             opportunity.  My  family  and  I  purchased  the   materials.
                                             store  and  our  short-term  goal  is  to  increase
                                             sales  to  contractors.  BMR’s  expertise  will   ABOUT BMR GROUP INC.
                                             certainly help us develop our service offering.   Groupe  BMR  is  a  subsidiary
                                             We  are  very  happy  to  be  part  of  this  great   of Sollio Cooperative Group, which includes
                                             family,” says Mr. Darcy Drevniok, president of   nearly 300 renovation centres and hardware
        Elmvale Store in Ontario Joins BMR Group  Winchester Building Supplies Inc.  stores in Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime
          BMR Group is pleased to announce that a   “We  are  very  proud  to  welcome  the   provinces. Retail sales for Groupe BMR and
        dealer in Elmvale, ON has joined its network.   Drevnioks,  as  our  network  of  dealers   its members are estimated at more than
                                             continues  to  expand  in  Ontario.  This  way,
        Well  established  in  Central  Ontario  for   the  BMR  banner  will  continue  to  serve  and   $1.5 billion per year and some 8,000 people
        over  75  years,  the  company  is  known  for  its   further  meet  the  needs  of  the  Winchester   work within the network. Groupe BMR is
        contractor offerings, logistics capabilities, and   community.  We  are  looking  forward  to   the leading Quebec player in the hardware
        exceptional customer service.        working  with  the  Drevnioks  and  show  them   industry and operates under the BMR, La Shop
          After  working  under  another  banner  for                             BMR, Agrizone and Potvin & Bouchard banners.
        several years, the owner decided to join BMR   all  the  benefits  to  join  BMR  Group,”  says
                                             Jonathan Gendreau, Vice President, Business
        Group for the attention it pays to contractors   Development,  Marketing  and  Customer
        and  the  competitive  structure  of  reduced   Experience.               orgill's first hybrid dealer market
          “We  are  very  excited  to  be  part  of  the                                    raises the bar
        BMR  family  and  can’t  wait  to  roll  out  the   Perkins Store, Located in Cornwall, ON, Joins
                                             BMR Group
        brand  in  our  area.  BMR  Group’s  expertise  in   BMR  Group  is  pleased  to  announce
        serving  contractors,  its  transparency  and  its   that  a  new  dealer  in  Cornwall.    Celebrating
        customized  services  will  help  us  maintain   its  50th  anniversary  this  year,  the  family-
        and  improve  the  level  of  service  we  offer   owned company is known in the area for its
        our  customers.  The  BMR  program  will  allow   wide  selection  of  products,  its  outstanding
        us to continue to grow our market share and   customer service, and its competitive pricing.
        remain competitive in our industry. We look   After  retailing  under  the  Rona  banner  for
        forward to many great years with BMR,” said   more than 32 years, owners Roy and Muriel
        George  Begley,  owner  of  the  BMR  Elmvale   Perkins decided to join BMR Group because of   Now  that  both  Orgill’s  Spring  Dealer  Market
        store.                               the  support  and  competitive  pricing  offered   and  Online  Buying  Event  have  drawn  to  a
          “We are very proud to welcome Mr. Begley                                close,  numbers  indicate  that  this  first-ever
        and his company and to extend our network   to dealers.                   hybrid show surpassed all of the company’s
                                               “We are very happy to be part of the BMR
        of  dealers  in  Ontario.  It  will  help  us  better   family and are eager to roll out the brand in   previous buying market sales records.
        meet  the  needs  of  our  customers  in  this   our area. The expertise of BMR Group’s staff   Orgill reported that sales from the spring
        region  and  promote  our  brand.  We  look   as well as its line of products will allow us to   2022  events  were  up  33  percent  from
        forward to working with Mr. Begley and show   continue to offer our customers a customized   the  2021  Spring  Online  Buying  Event  and
        him  all  the  benefits  of  BMR  Group,”  adds   service. We look forward to many great years   eclipsed Orgill’s last in-person Dealer Market
        Jonathan  Gendreau,  Vice  President,  Business   with BMR,” said Roy Perkins, co-owner of the   held in spring 2020 by a full 47 percent.
        Development,  Marketing  and  Customer   BMR Cornwall store.                “Last  year’s  Spring  Online  Buying  Event
        Experience.                            “Our  expansion  in  Eastern  Canada  goes   was  the  largest  show  in  terms  of  sales  that
          The BMR Elmvale store will operate under                                we had ever had,” says Boyden Moore, Orgill’s
        the BMR Pro banner. The store development   smoothly  with  the  addition  of  the  Cornwall   president  and  CEO.  “To  see  this  first-ever
                                             BMR  Perkins  store.  With  recent  stores
        will  be  completed  by  June  2022.  Work  will   joining  us  in  Kemptville,  Hawkesbury,  and   hybrid event surpass that show by such a wide
        also  be  performed  on  the  facade  to  reflect   Winchester, it is clear that the BMR network   margin is really a testament to how well the
        BMR’s  colours.  With  its  8,000  square-foot   is  very  welcoming  to  independent  dealers   concept  has  resonated  with  our  customers,
        floor space and its large 11-acre lumber yard,   looking  for  a  local  partner.  Our  new  CEO,   how eager they were to get back to business,
        the store offers a wide selection of hardware   Alexandre Lefebvre, has brought a new vision   how  strong  sales  are  in  the  market  right
        products and building materials, making this   of  our  current  and  future  dealers’  needs,”   now  and  how  well  our  vendors  rose  to  the
        store the place to go for all contractors in the   explained Jonathan Gendreau, Vice President   occasion.”
        area.                                                                       Orgill’s  in-person  Spring  Dealer  Market
                                             Business   Development,   Marketing   and   was held February 24-26 in Orlando, Florida,
        New Owners for the Winchester BMR Store  Customer Experience at BMR Group.  and its Spring Online Buying Market ran from
          After over 10 years with the BMR family,   The  new  banner  and  facade  will  be   February 21-March 4.
        Mr.  Ken  Boje,  owner  of  the  hardware  store   finalized  within  the  next  two  months,  and   Beyond  the  record-setting  sales  numbers
                                             the interior layout will give the store a more
        located  in  Winchester,  ON,  has  decided  to   modern look, while sporting the BMR colours.   produced  by  the  combined  events,  there
        retire  and  sell  his  company  assets  to  the   With  its  10,000  square-foot  floor  space,  the   were a number of other highlights from the
        Drevniok  family.  The  change  took  place  on   store  offers  a  wide  selection  of  products,   shows,  which  also  served  as  a  platform  for
        Friday, April 1.                     making this store the place to go in the area.   celebrating Orgill’s 175th anniversary.
          The  new  owners  do  not  plan  to  make                                 “The  combined  events  were  a  long  time
        any major changes to the store at this time.   The BMR Perkins store will run under the BMR   coming  for  our  team,  our  vendors  and  our

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