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Industry NEWS
news from home hardware Keri worked within the design and home Fall Market will take place at the Enercare
improvement industry developing an expertise Centre in Toronto. Stay tuned for more details
in sales and project management, and has about our 2022 Fall Market.
collaborated with contractors, trades people
and architects alike. Home Hardware Leaders Named Top Women
in Retail
Home Hardware Announces Return to Home Hardware Stores Limited is pleased
Physical Market in fall 2022 to announce two of its outstanding female
Home Hardware Stores Limited is pleased leaders have been honoured in the 12th
to announce plans are underway to host annual Top Women in Retail report released
Home Hardware Announces New Director of an in-person 2022 Fall Market. The event is by the Women in Retail Leadership Circle
Sales & Service Marketing scheduled to take place from September 23 - (WIRLC).
Home Hardware 25 at the Enercare Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Marianne Thompson, Senior Vice-
Stores Limited “As public health measures ease across the President, Merchandise, has been named a
is pleased to country, Home Hardware is planning a reunion 2022 Top Women in Retail honouree, and
announce the event that will bring our Dealers, Team Jessica Kuepfer, Director of Communications,
appointment of Members, and Suppliers back together in a has been recognized as one of this year’s
Keri McMillan to unique and exciting way this fall,” said Kevin Women on the Rise.
Director, Sales & Macnab, President and CEO, Home Hardware “I want to congratulate Marianne
Service Marketing. Stores Limited. “The health and safety of the Thompson and Jessica Kuepfer on this well-
Keri has been entire Home team is always our priority, and deserved recognition,” said Kevin Macnab,
serving as Manager we are hopeful the timing will be right to host President and CEO,
of Marketing a newly designed and reimagined in-person Home Hardware
Operations at Home Market this September.” Stores Limited.
Hardware since Over the past two years, Home Hardware “Home Hardware
2020.In her new has been hosting Virtual Markets that offered is fortunate to have
role, she will be responsible for Beaver Homes tremendous value to our Dealer-Owners and such talented and
& Cottages, Architectural Solutions, Home Suppliers, demonstrating our ability to unite, skilled leaders who
Installs and Commercial Sales. Keri will report adapt, and innovate in an ever-changing not only drive our
to Laura Baker, Vice-President, Marketing. climate. As Home Hardware prepares to return business forward,
“Keri has played a key role in driving the to an in-person Market, we will continue to but also empower
success of our Marketing programs and we are monitor the COVID-19 environment and and support those
thrilled to welcome her to her new position adapt our plans to meet all public health around them.”
as Director of Sales & Service Marketing,” regulations. Marianne Thompson “I am truly
said Laura Baker, Vice-President, Marketing, “Our Markets have always been much honoured to receive
Home Hardware Stores Limited. “As Home more than trade shows – they are an this recognition
Hardware works to be Canada’s most trusted opportunity to build friendships, share ideas and proud to be named alongside such
and preferred home improvement retail and create deep connections across our accomplished executives in the retail
brand, Keri’s industry knowledge and proven Dealer network and with our Suppliers,” industry,” said Marianne Thompson, Senior
leadership skills will drive our growth strategy said Rob Wallace, Vice-President, Retail Vice- President, Merchandise, Home Hardware
for this important portfolio.” Operations, Home Hardware Stores Limited. Stores Limited. “As
“As real estate prices continue to reach “The special event we are planning for fall a female leader in a
record highs, more customers are looking 2022 will support those key Market traditions traditionally male-
to design and build their next home in while also providing Dealers with the best dominated field,
whatever location they desire,” said Keri opportunity to develop a strategic buying mentoring women
McMillan, Director, Sales & Service Marketing, plan that drives growth and profitability for and supporting their
Home Hardware Stores Limited.“Home their stores.” career development
Hardware has an incredible opportunity for Home Hardware’s Dealer Markets are an is something I am
continued growth in this area as our stores – important part of the company’s history and deeply passionate
especially our Building Centres – are uniquely culture and as they have evolved, so too have about.”
positioned to support customers with all of their locations. The first Dealer Market was “Being recognized
their projects, from start to finish. I am excited held in September 1963 at the arena in Elmira as one of this year’s
to lead the Marketing strategy for these and as attendance grew, the Market was Jessica Kuepfer Women on the Rise
programs with a focus on driving growth and moved to larger facilities including Wilfrid is such a privilege,”
success for our independent Dealer-Owners.” Laurier University and Bingemans Conference said Jessica Kuepfer,
Centre in 1965, where it was held for many Director of Communications, Home Hardware
About Keri McMillan years. Stores Limited. “I am proud to work for an
Keri has been with Home Hardware since Since 1979, bi-annual Markets have been organization that not only invests in career
2013 and has played an instrumental role held in Home Hardware’s Distribution Centre development and growth for everyone but
in the success of Home’s Marketing strategy in St. Jacobs. Due to growth and increased has also made a firm commitment to fostering
through her various roles within Architectural needs of the event, Home Hardware’s 2022 a diverse and inclusive culture.”
Solutions, Home Installs and Marketing Top Women in Retail honourees are
Operations. Prior to joining Home Hardware, selected based on criteria such as position
14 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2022