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insightful dialogue on their business and the
        industry...and  then  there  was  Ron!    Nobody
        was  sacred  in  receiving  his  sharply  comical
           Here is a sampling of Ron’s interesting take
        on other board members and life in general:

        Life during the pandemic
           “We  decided  to  give  out  masks  to
        with  happy  faces  on  them  to  our  grumpy
        customers  at  no  charge.    We  gave  out  319.
        We  also  gave  out  sad  faced  masks  to  our
        happy customers.  We gave out 3!”
           “Many  thanks  to  our  first  responders
        during  this  time.    I  am  curious  though,  are
        there second responders? If there are second
        responders we should put signs on our lawns
        thanking them too - just a bit smaller.  God I
        hope there isn’t 3rd responders, you wouldn’t
        be able to read the sign.”
        Life as the Chair
           “Now  that  John  Carrey  (past  chair  of  the
        association) has retired to his cottage, I’m sure
        his  employees  haven’t  even  noticed  that  he
        isn’t there.”
           “The  other  day  the  LBMAO  held  its  first
        virtual  board  meeting  and  I  went  to  H.Q.  to
        meet with Dave and his dog.  The dog wasn’t
        there so I had to chair the meeting.”
           “Joanne at the LBMAO is like a sister to me;
        she hates my guts and tells me what to do.
        Just like my sisters here at Schell Lumber.”
           “So,  Joanne,  Carolyn,  Dave  and  I  and
        Dave’s dog Gladden (who would name a dog
        Gladden!), who sits around the office all day
        in a chair doing nothing, hmm, would be an
        excellent replacement for Dave.”

           Ron took on the responsibility of chairing
        the Association with vigour; and with a goal of
        ensuring  that  the  LBMAO  remained  relevant
        to  all  its  members.    He  supported  all  the
        events and attended most of them personally
        with Monica at his side.  He and I had many
        a  conversation  about  everything  in  life  and
        he went out of his way to host groups such
        as  the  snowmobile  attendees  at  his  cottage
        up in the Haliburton area.  Poor Monica, I still
        remember her face when Ron said “come on
        in  everyone”  as  we  all  traipsed  through  his
        cottage in our boots and gear to be hosted to
        a great BBQ lunch.  Ron’s attitude was “Hey,
        it’s  a  cottage!”  but  I’m  sure  he  got  the  cold
        shoulder from Monica that night.
           We  will  all  feel  his  absence  and  send
        Monica  and  the  whole  Schell  family  our
        deepest condolences at his passing.  He will
        certainly be missed.                                                           LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2022  19
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