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                        James Alex Dixon                                         Ronald Schell

                 DIXON HOME HARDWARE BUILDING                              LBMAO CHAIR OF THE BOARD,
                          CENTRE, FERGUS                                      SCHELL LUMBER HOME
                                                                          BUILDING CENTRE, STOUFFVILLE
                     January 28, 1946 – February 28, 2022
                                   assed  away  peacefully  at  his                        t  is  with  deep  sorrow  that  we
                                 Pcottage  on  Belwood  Lake,  in  his                   Iannounce the unexpected passing
                                 77th year. Beloved husband of Sheila                    of  Ron  Schell.  He  passed  away  at
                                 (Hamilton) and dear father of Jennifer                  Markham-Stouffville  Hospital  on
                                 Dixon,  Fergus;  Julie  and  Steve  Hales,              March 3, 2022 at the age of 64. He
                                 Elora;  Jeff  and  Sherri  Dixon,  Fergus;              will  be  deeply  missed  by  his  wife
                                 Joanne  and  Dan  Conroy,  Guelph;                      Monica,  his  sons  Kyle  (Jocelyn),
                                 and  Jason  and  Barb  Dixon,  Fergus.                  Chris, daughter Sarah (Brad) and 3
                                 Cherished grandfather of Emily Hales,                   grandchildren.  He  will  be  forever
                                 Abby  Hales,  Kate  Hales  and  Megan                   loved  and  missed  by  his  parents
                                 Hales;  Trent  Dixon,  Paige  Dixon  and                Percy  and  Dorothy  Schell,  his
                                 Daisy  Dixon;  Sarah  Conroy  and  Zac                  sisters  Judy  and  Janet  (Tom).  He
        Conroy;  and  McCaiden  Dixon  and  Lauren  Dixon.  Son  of  Merlin  and         is  predeceased  by  his  brother
        Helen, brother of Wayne, Walter and Louise.                                      Larry  and  sister  Marilyn.  He  will
           Jim lived his entire life in Fergus except for his years spent in the         be  lovingly  remembered  by  his
        Royal Canadian Navy, serving on the aircraft carrier HMCS Bonaventure.           nieces and nephews, and all other
        Upon returning home, his life was his family and his business, Dixon             extended family and friends.
        Lumber,  which  began  with  his  grandfather  in  1923,  then  his  father,        Ron   was   a   graduate   of
        and continuing with one of Jim’s proudest moments – the day his sons             Stouffville   District   Secondary
        became fourth generation owners.                        School, University of Toronto Engineering and graduated with his MBA
           In his lifetime, Jim was a Veteran, a Rotarian, a 55-year member of   from Western University. Once completing his schooling, he went to
        the  Fergus  Legion  and  served  on  its  Executive,  Corporate  Citizen  of   work for Gray Engineering, afterwards returning to become an owner
        the Year, a member of the Rec Committee, a Mason, a world traveler,   of the family business - Schell Lumber. Ron was also an active member
        a  hockey  coach  and  a  lacrosse  coach.  Generous  and  hardworking,   in the local community in many aspects. Ron’s humour, generosity and
        Jim’s commitment to family and community earned him the respect   personality will be greatly missed by everyone.
        and friendship of many. But nothing brought him more pleasure than   The visitation and funeral service was  held at Eastridge Church,
        spoiling his treasured grandchildren. He will be missed.  Stouffville  on  March  10th  and  11th,  2022  followed  by  a  private
           Visitation  was  held  at  The  Graham  A.  Giddy  Funeral  Home  and   interment.  If  desired,  memorial  donations  may  be  made  to  the
        Chapel,  Fergus,  ON,  March  7th,  2022.  Memorial  donations  can  be   Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation.
        directed  to  Hospice  Wellington,  Royal  Canadian  Legion  Branch  275
        Building Fund or Groves Memorial Hospital.


            AFA Forest Products ..................................................inside front cover  Nicholson and Cates Limited ................................inside back cover
            Atlas Polar ......................................................................................................7  Nu-Forest Products (Canada) Inc. ......................................................15
            Castle Building Centres Group ..........................outside back cover  Polytarp Products ................................................................................................13
            Groupe BMR ..................................................................................................5  Programmed Insurance Brokers Inc. ..........................................................15
            JELD-WEN ......................................................................................................9  Sellick Equipment ...............................................................................................11
            LBMAO Directory App ............................................................................21  TORBSA Limited ...................................................................................................17

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