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Industry NEWS

        landfills.”                    remove single-use plastic shopping   standards for safe battery recycling and management. Working on
                                       bags  from  its  network  starting  in   behalf of its stakeholders and with a network of more than 9,000
        Sustainability programs that make a   June 2022.            participating  collection  locations  across  Canada,  Call2Recycle
        difference                                                  Canada continues its pursuit of ensuring responsible battery
           Sustainability  is  a  key  part  of   About Call2Recycle Canada, Inc.  recycling is accessible for all. Learn more at or call
        Lowe’s  Canada’s  business  strategy.   Call2Recycle® is the provincially   1.888.224.9764.
        The  organization  aims  to  reduce   approved  consumer  battery
        the  environmental  footprint  of  its   collection and recycling program   About Lowe’s Canada
        business, operations, and customers   for British Columbia, Saskatchewan,   Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE: LOW) is a FORTUNE® 50
        through   several   Canada-wide   Manitoba,  Quebec,  and  Prince  home improvement company serving approximately 19 million
        programs.  In  addition  to  large-  Edward Island, and operates as a   customer transactions a week in the United States and Canada.
        scale  battery  collection  efforts  in   registered Producer Responsibility   With  fiscal  year  2021  sales  of  over  $96  billion,  Lowe’s  and
        2021,  the  Lowe’s  Canada  network   Organization  (PRO)  in  Ontario  its related businesses operate or service nearly 2,200 home
        collected  more  than  1,850  tons   according to the Ontario Batteries   improvement and hardware stores and employ over 300,000
        of  paint  and  95  tons  of  CFL  bulbs   Regulation. Call2Recycle accepts   associates. Based in Boucherville, Quebec, Lowe’s  Canadian
        and  fluorescent  tubes.  Beyond  its   household batteries (weighing up   business, together with its wholly owned subsidiary RONA inc.,
        collection  and  recycling  programs,   to 5 kg) for recycling and eMobility   operates or services some 450 corporate and independent affiliate
        the  organization  set  ambitious   batteries used to power eBikes,   dealer stores in a number of complementary formats under
        targets to reduce its greenhouse gas   eScooters,  eHoverboards  and  different banners, which include Lowe’s, RONA, Reno-Depot, and
        emissions and has made substantial   eSkateboards.          Dick’s Lumber. In Canada, they have more than 26,000 associates,
        investments  to  improve  energy   Since its inception in 1997,   in  addition  to  approximately  5,000  employees  in  the  stores  of
        efficiency across its network to reach   Call2Recycle has diverted over 34   independent affiliate dealers operating under the RONA banner.
        this  goal.  Lowe’s  Canada  was  also   million kilograms of  batteries  from   For more information, visit
        the first home improvement retailer   Canadian  landfills  and  meets  or
        to  announce  it  will  progressively   exceeds the most rigorous recycling

             torbsa buying group to host virtual vendor expo

        TORBSA  Limited  has  announced  that  in  addition  to  their  annual  in-person
        vendor  event,  they  have  decided  to  host  their  2nd  Annual  Virtual  Vendor
        Expo, being held May 16th through 27th, 2022.
           The  event  will  be  hosted  online,  welcoming  dozens  of  their  preferred
        suppliers  to  showcase  their  newest  and  most  innovative  products  and
        systems, while offering show specials to the TORBSA Shareholder network.
        The event will be attended by TORBSA Shareholders, along with their key
             The  TORBSA  Board  of  Directors  and  their  staff  are  confident  in  the
        implementation of this event, in support of in-person events, later in 2022.
        They feel that this is a viable addition for their members, which will give their
        businesses  an  opportunity  to  connect  with  their  most  prominent  vendor
        partners.                                                      Looking to join or need more info?

        In operation since 1966, TORBSA Limited is a $675 million+ Shareholder
        owned organization, with 48 member locations across Canada. Owned 100%
        by its Shareholders, the business is aimed to help Canadian entrepreneurs
        succeed in the sale of building materials and hardware. TORBSA shareholders
        retain their full independence and have full exposure to all rebate programs,   MEMBERSHIP MEANS OWNERSHIP
        with its vendors.                                                           LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2022 17
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