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Industry NEWS
Legal Officer (CLO) and Corporate Secretary; hardware industry education and community lowe's canada receives its tenth
and Dianne McTavish – Vice-President, engagement.
Corporate Records. “I want to congratulate Home Hardware sustainability award
“I would like to express my sincere Dealer-Owner Adam Moulton on this well- for battery recycling
gratitude to Dianne for the trusted leadership deserved recognition,” said Kevin Macnab,
and expertise she has provided to Home President and CEO, Home Hardware Stores
Hardware and our Board of Directors over Limited. “Adam is an exceptional leader who
the past 33 years in her role as Assistant has demonstrated his ability to innovate
Corporate Secretary and Corporate Secretary,” and adapt in a constantly changing retail
said Kevin Macnab. “I am pleased that Home environment. His customer-first mentality and
Hardware will continue to benefit from commitment to the communities he serves
Dianne’s valuable perspective and extensive exemplify the values of Home Hardware.”
industry knowledge. As Vice-President, Adam Moulton joined the Home Hardware
Corporate Records and a member of the banner in 2017 when he purchased Allandale
Executive Leadership Team, Dianne will focus Home Hardware Building Centre in the rapidly Lowe’s Canada, one of Canada’s leading home
on Dealer investments, Dealer records and growing community of Barrie. He became improvement retailers operating or servicing
Dealer applications.” Dealer-Owner of Woodstock Home Hardware some 450 corporate and affiliated stores
Building Centre in January 2021 and added under different banners, was named 2021
Home Hardware Dealer Named 2022 Young his third store, Ingersoll Home Hardware Leader in Sustainability for the fourth year in
a row by Call2Recycle Inc, an organization that
Retailer of the Year Building Centre, six months later. operates Canada’s largest battery collection
Home Hardware Stores Limited is pleased Community involvement and giving back and recycling program. In 2021, efforts across
to announce Adam Moulton - Dealer-Owner are important to Adam Moulton who makes it Lowe’s, RONA, and Réno-Dépôt stores helped
of Woodstock, Ingersoll, and Allandale Home a priority to support non-profit organizations ensure over 125,000 kilograms of used
Hardware Building Centres in Ontario - has and community groups such as Sakura House, batteries were collected for safe disposal
been named a 2022 Woodstock and Barrie Food Banks, Autism diverted from landfills. This represents a 28%
Young Retailer of Ontario and the Barrie Colts. increase compared to 2020.
the Year by the Adam looks forward to continuing to “It’s the small, yet significant everyday
North American serve the communities of Barrie, Ingersoll actions, like safely disposing of used batteries
Hardware and Paint and Woodstock and has exciting plans in the at one of our stores, that allow sustainability
initiatives to succeed, and more broadly, for
Association (NHPA). works with expansion projects scheduled for Lowe’s Canada to have a positive impact
The award, both his Woodstock and Ingersoll locations. on the environment and the communities
now in its 26th we serve,” said Mélanie Lussier, Director,
year, celebrates About Home Hardware Stores Limited External Communications and Sustainable
the up-and- Home Hardware Stores Limited is Canada's Development. “A big thank you goes to our
coming generation largest Dealer-owned hardware, lumber, customers and associates for helping us
of aspiring building materials, and furniture home outdo our battery collection and recycling
independent home improvement retailer with close to 1,100 stores numbers every year. Our collective efforts
improvement and under the Home Hardware, Home Building and commitment to sustainability over time
paint retailers and recognizes the individual Centre, Home Hardware Building Centre and and across our entire network are making an
achievements of retailers 35 years of age or Home Furniture banners. Founded in 1964 Lowe’s Canada features among
younger throughout Canada and the United in rural St. Jacobs, Ontario, Home Hardware Call2Recycle’s highest performing partners,
States. remains 100% Canadian owned and operated. a select group of major retailers, warehouses,
“It is an honour to be acknowledged by Through the Home Hardware network, Dealer- municipalities, and companies continue
the North American Hardware and Paint Owners have extensive distribution and setting a high standard for leadership in this
Association and named alongside such marketing capabilities as well as access to area. This is the tenth time Lowe’s Canada
talented young professionals,” said Adam thousands of quality, brand name and private receives a Leader in Sustainability award.
Moulton, Dealer-Owner. “This award is a label products. Home Hardware Stores Limited “Each year, Canadians recycle more and
testament to the support and dedication has received designation as one of Canada's more of their used batteries with Call2Recycle
of my entire team. I’m very proud of their Best Brands and Best Managed Companies and thanks to the exceptional partnership
of organizations like Lowe’s Canada. Its
hard work in providing our customers and is committed to helping Canadians with all of commitment to sustainability and diverting
communities with the products and services their project needs. More information about the batteries from the waste stream for reuse in
they need.” company is available at new products is making a real difference,”
Adam Moulton was awarded Young said Joe Zenobio, President of Call2Recycle
Retailer of the Year under the category Canada, Inc. “With Lowe’s Canada’s support,
Multistore Retailers. Honourees are we have been able to achieve record
chosen based on several criteria, including collection targets year after year, helping to
professional milestones, continuing protect wildlife, the environment, and our
communities by keeping toxic metals out of
16 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2022