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Industry NEWS

        a  virtual  Store  on  the  Floor  where  vendors
        presented  a  wide  range  of  SKUs  and  store-
        planning ideas for TIMBER MART members to
        explore for in-store use, as well as a TIMBER
        MART area that showcased all of the group’s
        offerings, including: marketing programs and
        support,  TIMBER  MART’s  LBM  distribution
        centres,  TIMBER  MART  Essentials  programs,
        lumber trading and procurement.
           The  show  also  featured  a  virtual  photo
        booth  as  well  as  an  awards  gallery  where
        attendees   could   leave   congratulatory
        messages  for  winners  of  the  group’s  annual
        vendor  and  dealer  awards.  In  the  evenings
        from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST, the show’s virtual
        networking  lounge  opened  where  hundreds
        of attendees engaged in live chat and video
        conferencing.  On  the  evening  of  February   About TIMBER MART         network with a menu of competitive buying
        16, TIMBER MART and TSG Branded Solutions   Founded in 1967, TIMBER MART is the   programs, comprehensive marketing services
        hosted a special virtual fireside chat with NHL   largest  national  member-owned  buying  and personalized support to drive independent
        star and former Olympian, Shayne Corson.  group in Canada for the true independent   business success. For more information,
           The  2022  TIMBER  MART  Virtual  Buying   entrepreneur. With hundreds of independent   visit  and  www.
        Show  was  hosted  on  a  cloud-based  virtual   building-material and hardware retailers,
        tradeshow platform and was supported by IQ   commercial  dealers  and  manufacturers
        Business Events.                     located in every province across the country,
                                             TIMBER MART provides its extensive dealer

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