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Ron Schell
t would not be proper to do a tribute to Ron LBMAO. His interest in the Association and
ISchell without starting with “did you hear the industry was sincere and he fully enjoyed
the one about...” Usually a bad joke! his tenure with the Association and fellow
Ron was a good friend and Chair of the "Most of the Chairs board members.
LBMAO until early 2021 when he took a leave Ron was a whiz with numbers and, as a
of absence due to health reasons. His off- really hated writing graduate of Engineering with an MBA, this
beat sense of humour and his ability to enjoy demonstrated his capabilities. However, his
and entertain his peers, business friends and their column but did sense of direction left much to be desired! I
family made him one of those characters manage to write some can remember attending a board meeting
everyone wanted to talk to, as you knew he at one of our member businesses in Bolton,
would brighten your day with a good laugh. insightful dialogue on just about 25 minutes west of Stouffville. It
Ron passed away suddenly on March 3rd, was basically a straight-line drive across the
2022, at Markham-Stouffville hospital. To their business and the north of the GTA and I received a call from Ron
give you an idea of the number of lives that asking where Bolton was...he was in Milton!
he touched, well over 700 people attended industry...and then there One of the functions of the Chair’s position
his memorial service; and many more at the was Ron!" with the Association is to write the Chair’s
viewing held the evening before in Stouffville. column in the LBMAO Reporter magazine.
I got to know Ron and his lovely wife Most of the Chairs really hated writing
Monica when Ron became the Chair of the their column but did manage to write some
18 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2022