Page 12 - D12771 - LBMAO - Jan-Feb-2018 - REPORTER - web
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Industry NEWS
Castle Kicks off 2018 With a New Member marty hawthorn retires after 45 years in the lbm industry
in Western Canada
Fresh off the heels of another industry
leading year, Castle Building Centres Group
is heading into 2018 with a new member After 45 years of dedicated service to his
location in Western Canada. Timber Spirit customers in the lumber and building
Supply in Spiritwood, SK (approximately materials industry, Marty Hawthorn
125 km west of Prince Albert) is the newest announced his retirement as of December
independent dealer to join Canada’s 31st 2018. Marty is a familiar face at our
fastest growing buying group. Trade Shows and Contractor Nights -
Entrepreneur Matt St. Onge founded always ready to offer a warm welcome, a
the business just a few years ago with product sample, a brochure and a terrible
the goal of building trust with the local joke!
community as his guiding principle. He Starting on the order desk at W.
and his team continue to follow this creed R. Grace in 1973, Marty worked his
and strive to deliver customized solutions way through the ranks of building
to local contractors and consumers in the supply sales and has covered a wide
area. range of products over the years. During
Timber Spirit Supply is a full service
lumber, building material and hardware his time with Taiga Building Products
destination and the local community of as Allied Products Manager, he had
contractors, home builders and consumers sole responsibility for the Johns
have come to rely on the great solutions- Manville Building Insulation line which
based service. A grand reopening subsequently evolved into one of their
celebration is planned for the spring, once top-selling categories. After a number
the store has gone through a complete of years as the product specialist for JM
rebranding. insulation at Taiga, Marty was assigned
as the Johns Manville Ontario Territory
Castle Announces New Quebec Location Manager which has been his focus for the
On January 11th, Castle gained a last 10 years.
new member in the province of Quebec. Marty is looking forward to spending
Murexpair Inc., located in Sherbrooke, QC,, more time with his family and friends,
has been serving the local community for taking a few trips and rediscovering
17 years.
Owner Jonathan Sirois had a some of the long-neglected sporting
clear plan for Murexpair - to offer activities he would like to enjoy again.
exceptional products, sales and service
in the categories of roofing and siding to
contractors and local consumers. When
he and his current partner Bruno Langlois home hardware receives 2017 most trusted brand award
began to consider a buying group, they for hardware stores
were looking for an opportunity to
grow their business by having access to
additional products in their categories, but
didn't want to lose their independence or
compromise the core of their business.
Castle was the right fit for us because
we wanted to experience growth and reach
our business goals without losing sight of
our original mission or the ability to run Home Hardware Stores Limited has selection, quality goods and, when
our business our way." - Bruno Langlois, been recognized as one of Canada’s online, timely delivery. The BrandSpark
Murexpair Inc., Partner and General Most Trusted brands for Hardware Most Trusted Awards give shoppers a
As part of the Castle group, the Stores in Canada. BrandSpark chance to see which retailers are trusted
specialty store will offer a wider range of International recently announced the by other Canadians,” said Robert Levy,
steel roofing, siding, decking products and 2017 BrandSpark Most Trusted Award President of BrandSpark International.
commercial designer steel siding to their recipients for Canada’s major services “These endorsements are especially
valued customer base, consisting of local and retail categories, including brick and useful for shoppers who don’t regularly
residents and commercial contractors and mortar and e-commerce. shop the category – particularly in
“Shoppers look to retailers that e-commerce where many shoppers are
they trust to deliver great value, strong still discovering the major retail players.”
12 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2018