Page 18 - LBMAO - Jul-Aug 2023 REPORTER - web optimized
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future growth. The new home supply has
been constrained with limited land supply.
These new rules will release the market to
build homes for Ontarians more quickly.
Bill 97 also adds new protections for
new home buyers and for tenants. For new
home buyers it introduces a cooling off
period on purchases of newly built freeform
homes. Tenants get added protection
from abuse and evictions. At a time when
the vacancy rates are at historic lows and
the supply of rental units is tight, this is
an important benefit for renters. The new
bill does recognize that landlords need
protection to be able to renovate and
maintain their investments.
The third solution to the housing crisis
that has not been addressed is the growth
of immigration. Canada has an aging
population and without immigration our
economy will not grow. Japan has had
limited immigration since the 1980s. That
combined with an aging work force and a
reduction in birth rates has influenced their
GDP growth. We need immigration to grow
the economy in Canada. Our construction
this housing crisis is Bill 23, the More requirement was 1 hectare dedicated to
Homes Built Faster Act which was passed parkland for every 300 dwelling units. The industry is faced with trades people who
in 2022. The goal was to build 1.5 million new bill will change that to 1 hectare for are aging. We need immigration to add
homes in the next 10 years. (Simple math is every 600 units. Payments in lieu currently young people and young families to our
150,000 new homes per year for 10 years) require 1 hectare per 500 units, now it will economy. The issue is that immigration,
It aims to build more homes in less time. be 1 for every 1000 units. No more than coming out of Covid-19 lockdown, has been
The first part of this bill allows up to 15% of the land slated for development left almost unchecked. It has been allowed
three units per lot. It can come in a variety will be required for parks on sites greater to grow at rates that the infrastructure
of methods. Up to three units in the primary than 5 hectares and no more than 10% for (read housing) cannot keep up with. This
building, or up to two units in the primary parks on sites 5 hectares or less. has created problems for existing residents
building and one additional in an ancillary These are changes that governments, as well as for newcomers to Canada. Plans
building or structure. These changes would developers and home builders hope need to be created to bring immigrants
apply to urban residential land with full will speed up new home construction to Ontario at a measured rate with some
municipal water and sewage services. and eliminate some of the issues that thought behind when, where and how can
The bill would also limit conservation have hampered new home growth in the we get these people trained for roles that
authority appeals of land use planning province. It will help to address affordability the economy will need in the future.
decisions. Planning responsibilities would because the time from proposal to The Lumber and Building Materials
be removed from some municipalities. construction will be reduced. Time costs Association of Ontario works for its
Halton, Peel, Durham, Niagara, and Waterloo money in the rising interest rate era we are members to build and develop the lumber
Regions as well as in the County of Simcoe in. and building materials industry in Ontario.
are the areas affected. The bill also would The second important piece of We are increasingly working to act as a
require municipalities to amend their legislation to help reduce the housing crisis voice to positively assist in the provincial
zoning by-laws to establish minimum in Ontario is the introduction of Bill 97 the regulations and legislations that affect our
densities and building heights around Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants industry.
transit. Site plan control is removed for Act. This was introduced in April. This Ontario’s housing industry is at a
residential development proposals up to 10 legislation includes two measures that will crossroad. We need to work with all the
units (except for land lease communities). grow the supply of new homes in Ontario. industry stakeholders: governments, home
The other two big changes the bill The first part is that it makes it easier to builders, developers, and material suppliers
ushers in are that public meetings covert land zoned for employment uses to to make sure that we save the patient
will not be required for draft plan of residential uses. The second part of the bill before things reach a critical stage. Our
subdivision applications and large changes allows greater flexibility of municipalities to association looks forward to being part of
in the requirements for parks. The old expand their boundaries to accommodate the solution to this problem.
18 LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2023