Page 16 - Mar-Apr 23 Reporter
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           ur  training  courses  for  estimating  and   advanced  estimating  training  course.  This   •  "Well  prepared,  well  presented."  –  Lee
        Oyard  management  kicked  into  high  gear   class  is  for  experienced  estimators  who  are   McCully
        for 2023 in early March. To start this season,   looking to increase their speed and accuracy.   •  "Love  how  simple  you  make  this.  Thanks
        we  had  a  double  set  of  level  1  estimating   This  is  a  one-day  course  that  tackles  some   Stan!" – Sam Wilson
        training  (Decks,  Garages  &  Front  Counter   intricate  roof  designs  and  helps  specialists   •  "Can’t wait till next year!" – Mike Marino
        Sales).  Over  forty  students  attended  the   interpret them. The level 3 Advanced Forum   •  "I  learned  a  lot  about  best  practices,
        two-day  courses  where  they  learned  how   requires a strong background and experience   checklists and parts of a garage that I didn’t
        to  accurately  estimate  decks  and  garages.   in estimating.             know or understand before." – Leslie King
        This course helps staff understand the sales   The final class offered this spring was our   •  "Pleasure  learning  siding  estimating  and
        process and gives tips on quoting, estimating   Principles  of  Yard  &  Warehouse  Operations   refresh decking." – Brenda Hendries
        and  selling.  All  students  get  a  manual  that   course. We used to call this the yard foreman
        they can refer to when they are back in their   class, but it has evolved into much more that   Principles of Yard & Warehouse Operations:
        yards.  An  introduction  to  blueprint  reading   that.  This  class  is  designed  for  management   •  "Excellent experience, well worth the time
        and  an  understanding  of  scales  is  done  to   of  the  yard.  We  have  had  several  lumber   and  will  recommend  to  my  boss  to  have
        help students.                       yard owners take the class and their reaction   more staff experience it." – Sean Doucette
           Stan Burkholder is our training specialist.   to  the  course  has  been  extremely  positive.   •  "Thank you, I had a very good experience
        Stan has conducted these training classes for   It  teaches  staff  and  managers  how  to  lay   and learned a lot of good things to put to
        a number of years, each year enhancing and   out  and  operate  the  yard  to  maximize  time,   use. " – Mike Keezer
        tweaking  the  course  material  to  reflect  new   productivity  and  minimize  waste.  Stan  is   •  "Very  good  course.  Gold  star  for  Stan!"  –
        products  and  changes  in  construction.  Stan   passionate  about  how  an  effective  yard  and   Shawn Turner
        joins  us  from  his  home  in  Bluesky,  northern   deliveries  system  should  operate.  He  puts
        Alberta. Stan is a former lumber yard owner   together  ideas  to  take  back  to  the  stores   These  are  just  a  few  samples  of  the
        and a part time minister who does a great job   which  will  help  accounting,  sales,  delivery,   feedback  we  received  from  the  classes  this
        at  entertaining  and  educating  our  students   and  yard  staff.  This  is  always  a  class  with  a   March. They are very important classes to help
        with his common-sense approach.      high demand, and it is important to sign up   develop and train staff.
           The LBMAO also hosted our level 2 training   early before if becomes fully booked.   The  LBMAO  is  a  full-service  trainer
        course  (Residential  Construction:  Roofs  &   Here  is  some  of  the  feedback  we  have   for  the  lumber  and  building  materials
        Metal Sheathing) this March. This class is a two   received from the students:  market.  We  offer  both  in  person  and
        day  estimating  course  which  builds  on  the                           online  training  including  health  and  safety
        learning  in  the  level  1  introductory  session.   Estimating:         (meeting/exceeding  the  Ministry  of  Labour
        Level  2  goes  into  detail  on  estimating  the   •  "Very happy with Stan. Simplified the class   requirements).  We  offer  online  lift  truck
        complete  materials  for  a  new  home.  From   to  my  standard  of  understanding.  Would   training and we will soon be adding in-person
        foundation to the siding and roofing it is an   recommend  this  course  to  other  staff."    –   lift truck and boom truck training classes.
        extensive  walk  though  to  prepare  staff  to   Bryan                     Please  let  us  know  if  you  have  any
        estimate a home takeoff accurately.   •  "This  course  is  excellent  for  a  new  or   questions about the training we do or would
           This year we have brought back our most   experienced quoter." – Tyler Young  like us to do by emailing me at tsmall@lbmao.
        16  LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2023                                              
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