Page 19 - Mar-Apr 23 Reporter
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e  all  know  that  Jeff  Bezos  has  made   than the online sales of average US retailers.   convenient  for  them.  Brad  also  adds  that
        Wbillions of dollars selling items through   This shows an opportunity for other building   51%  of  construction  buyers  report  that
        the  internet.  There  is  no  retailer  or  supplier   material  companies  to  grow  through  online   supplier  websites  do  not  meet  their  needs.
        that  wouldn’t  like  to  grow  their  business   sales.  The  COVID-19  pandemic  accelerated   Contractors  research  and  source  products
        through  adding  additional  sales  through  the   the shift to online shopping. People at home   using  their  phones.  High  levels  of  in-store
        internet.  The  big  questions  are:  where  do  I   who could not go out to stores became more   service provided by building material retailers
        start, how do I do it, and is this really for my   comfortable with shopping from home.  is  now  no  longer  an  advantage  over  the
        business?  All  these  questions  are  legitimate                         competition. Increasingly builders, contractors
        questions.  With  margins  being  tight,  no   Who are you selling to?    and renovators have higher expectations, and
        business  can  afford  to  waste  money  on  a   There  are  two  distinct  customer  groups   they expect digital services which will make
        technical effort that does not provide results.  that  online  building  material  sales  target.   their lives easier.
           There  are  many  in  the  building  material   The  B2B  group  is  sales  from  dealer  to   According to The LBM Journal, (May 2022)
        industry that have tried to dip their toe in the   contractor  and  the  B2C  group  is  sales  from   of  the  top  100  LBM  dealers  in  the  US,  just
        online  sales  waters  with  little  to  no  results
        in  increased  sales  or  revenue.  There  are
        countless  stories  of  businesses  spending
        thousands of dollars with a tech guru only to   High levels of in-store service provided by building material retailers is now no longer an
        be disappointed.                      advantage over the competition.  Increasingly builders, contractors and renovators have higher
           Let’s start the discussion about sales and
        the  internet  by  understanding  some  of  the    expectations, and they expect digital services that will make their lives easier.
        main technical jargon. The sales process that
        we are describing is E-commerce. This is the
        buying and selling of goods and services on   dealer to consumer. Each group has different   31  percent  say  they  had  conducted  sales
        the  internet,  and  the  transfer  of  money  and   needs  and  marketing  to  each  requires   online in 2021. Of that group over 70 percent
        data to complete these transactions. ERP is a   a  different  approach.  According  to  Brad   had  the  ability  to  let  their  customers  see  a
        common  term  that  digital  partners  use.  ERP   Cumiskey,  VP  of  Product  at  TOOLBX,  the   purchase history online. Thirty percent could
        stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. This   online  B2B  customers  are  younger.  73%  of   show  their  customers  if  the  product  was  in
        is  the  management  of  all  the  information   B2B  buyers  are  millennials  and  over  70%   stock and just over forty percent could notify
        and  resources  involved  in  a  company’s   of  B2B  buyers  finding  online  ordering  more   their customers of delivery time. Most of the
        operations  by  means  of  an  integrated   convenient. Many contractors, home builders   group that could not provide these services as
        computer  system.  It  is  the  backbone  that   and  renovators  are  working  on  plans  and   of 2021 are planning to offer these services
        links your point of sale and your digital sales   quotes  when  the  stores  are  closed.  Online   in  the  future.     These  are  services  that  the
        function. It is vital that a seamless connection   ordering  allows  them  to  order  when  it  is   professional  tradespeople  are  looking  for.
        be created when considering any move to add
        E-commerce sales.
        Where it all began
           The growth of digital sales began in 1994
        when  Amazon  was  founded,  initially  as  an
        online  marketplace  for  books.  Starting  in
        1998  it  expanded  into  a  variety  of  product
        categories.  To  the  point  where  you  can
        currently  find  almost  anything.  In  2018
        Amazon had about a 5 percent share of all US
        retail spending (excluding cars and car parts)
        and a 43.5 percent share of American online
        spending. Canadian numbers are comparable.
        Amazon  generated  $386  billion  in  US  retail
        e-commerce  sales  in  2020.  Clearly  Amazon
        has a sizable lead in the digital marketplace
        and  anyone  trying  to  catch  them  has  a
        challenge ahead.
           Home Depot represents the largest share
        of online sales for building materials. Home
        Depot  went  live  online  in  2001  and  added
        a  mobile  site  in  2010.  In  2015  online  sales
        represented less than 5 percent of their total
        sales.  By  2022  online  sales  had  grown  to
        almost 15 percent of their sales. The online
        sales growth by Home Depot is growing faster                                                           LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2023 19
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